मुख्य बातें: इस सप्ताह के सर्वश्रेष्ठ स्वयंसेवकों के नाम

नवम्बर 24, 2015


पिछले कई सप्ताह से “मेरी सरकार” के विभिन्न समूह में दिए गए कार्यों में स्वयंसेवक बढ़-चढ़ कर हिस्सा ले रहे हैं जिसने इस मंच को सही मायने में एक नागरिक सहभागिता मंच बना दिया है। इस सप्ताह के सर्वश्रेष्ठ स्वयंसेवकों ने स्वयंसेवा से संबंधित अपने अनुभव साझा किये-

Nishita Chandakनिशिता चंदक:
“There are 2 motives behind working for MyGov. Firstly, India and secondly, my unconditional support to Mr. Narendra Modi. In my view this is a great initiative and my support will be rendered as and when needed. This can be my bit to work for my nation. Working for this project has been enlightening and informative. In addition, the entire MyGov team has been extremely supportive. Thanks. Cheers!!”

Vivek Raiविवेक राय:
“First of all, I appreciate efforts of MyGov and its team. It gave a nation-wide platform to suggest solutions for good governance.When I was reading suggestions by people on different groups, I was amazed to read some of ideas and suggestions from different parts of our country. Really, it is a learning experience for me. Hope such momentum will continue further…”

प्रियंका मल्होत्राप्रियंका मल्होत्रा:
My role with MyGov involved going through comments posted by citizens on various discussion boards. I felt I played a key role in getting the voice of my nation across to the government. Thank you for the great opportunity to work on such an initiative. Maybe the deadlines were tough at times but I gave something back to my country. Proud to be an Indian!

तुहिना चटर्जीतुहिना चटर्जी:
“Volunteering with ‘MyGov’ gives me a unique opportunity to understand public opinion and people’s participation in matters of governance beyond the data captured through opinion polls and surveys. Having an education background in political science and a keen interest in area of governance especially through technology driven communication, I am really glad to be a part of this channel for connecting citizens to policy makers. It has always been my desire to create change for better society and volunteering for this initiative is my small contribution towards fulfilling the greater vision of our current leadership for a ‘digitally empowered’ India.”

Mithun Vijaykumarमिथुन विजयकुमार:
“Sociologists say that each and every citizen should do his/her part in the development of a nation. It’s true, but an effective communication between a common man and the higher authorities is essential for the real development to take place. By volunteering for MyGov I have learned that actionable information provided by the users are given sufficient importance and are forwarded to the concerned departments. The platform which is open to all Indian citizens is a greater step towards Nation building. Volunteering for MyGov is a pleasant experience.”

  • usericon
    AKHIL L B NAIR - 9 years ago

    to all my brothers and sisters..for past few years we have been enslaved by some of the cheif anti-socialists and anti-INDIAN,as an Indian I have been waiting for a platform like this..
    I request all of you who catch my wave length to be a part of this revolution…leader is not crafted with money,power and disgrace..
    he is the one who works for his people first then his nation..
    jai hind

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    M_s Videa Inc - 9 years ago

    Any volunteer to make my corruption complaint to reach PMO? Any one who can make this voice heard. On extremely intellectual grounds this is a case of economy erosion, and hence contains all the contents of Pandora’s box. In case this is resolved with a few key people who are themselves not so powerful but extremely dangerous, by all sense extreme grave national predicament like farmers’ suicide, terrorism, curruption trail, tax terrorism, tax evasion, black money all will be curbed. Pls revert

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    Marketing bytes - 9 years ago

    Thanks for supporting social development in India Kindly volunteer yourself at http://v1.socialdevelopment.in

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    Vani_6 - 9 years ago

    Jai hind sir .We talk about girl child education. but in sanik school girls are not eligible because only they are female.It isn’t right Girls should be eligible to join freely on their skill not on their gender

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    Rakesh Singh - 9 years ago

    As my tempraments prevails me to tend for struggle against any kind of unjust and opportunity which may enhance my faith and provide stability during journny towards goal of serving the nation.This is a right platform for those who wants to be a true servant of nation.

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    Nagarpalika Valsad - 9 years ago

    Communication with the higher authorities directly for development and upgrade is a very good idea. Its a good participation of all citizens and we can share our thoughts and provide feedback.

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    SUMA C R - 9 years ago

    why can’t we think of introducing insuranc policies in schoollevel. Anyway fees collected from students. a small amount govt should consider in their budget and with out much burden an equal amount by schools. Policy should be for 12 years . Once done along witH 1ST STD, students will get an amount after leaving the school which can be utilized by parents for their higher studies. Schools are the places where we can introduce and get the awareness on 99 % insurance policy with govt support

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    Suresh Choudhary - 9 years ago

    MyGov is offering an excellent platform to share our experiences and give feedback to decision makers for improving governance.Let there be some communication from planners/ executors whether they have at all seen these comments and acted on some of them after scrutiny failing which all efforts will be useless and things will remain as they are.

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    ROHAN DONTUL - 9 years ago

    My suggestion for our country – to PMO regarding direct funding to our Defrence in any department like army navy or air, – TO open a one bank account for funding our defence, And telecast all over country – anyone if interested they can directly deposit amount in that account, and those amount directly use for our defense, And all transaction must be clear if any one want details of those money where we are used those etc.they will get those details, just think and imagine..

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    Gurucharan parmar - 9 years ago

    jai hind sir

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