भारत को खेलों में सशक्त बनाने के लिए ओपन फोरम में भाग लें

नवम्बर 24, 2015

sporty-india151214 (1)

भारत खेलों के क्षेत्र में लगातार प्रगति कर रहा है, परंतु भारत में इससे भी बेहतर करने की क्षमता है। खेल संस्कृति को सही दिशा में विकसित करना, खेल और शिक्षा का एकीकरण, प्रारंभ में ही प्रतिभा की पहचान करना, उच्च स्तर के प्रशिक्षण के माध्यम से खिलाड़ियों को सहायता प्रदान करना, व्यापक अनुभव और खेल विज्ञान और चिकित्सा इत्यादि की दिशा में उचित कदम उठाए जाएं, तो भारत खेलों में एक बड़ी शक्ति के रूप में उभर सकता है। भारत को खेलों में सशक्त बनाने के लिए अपने सुझाव ओपन फोरम पर साझा करें।

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    Ravi Kumar Gupta - 9 years ago

    First to develop a good spacious ground in every schools and colleges and specialy in villages that we need to focus on because in city there are lot of mediums to engage in his choice of sport and explore himself or herself but in villages there are lac of medium to come in front so first to go deep and make a good play ground in villages with a good coach.

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    mohit kamra - 9 years ago

    First of all parks and ground should be made available to children.Some good grounds should not only be constructed but maintained as well.Analysis of players should be made every month and that too should be made online.We have board exams for education so just like it a board should be made for sports.

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    rikesh kothari - 9 years ago

    i want give suggession for how implement land acquisition bill.but how post my letter i not know.

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    Arul Varman - 9 years ago

    This is a generic statement&lack direction to which Sport to become a Superpower&only.My Suggestion is to group all sports and focus on each Group for full 12 months to gain complete mastery,attain high proficiency,become Guru which would enable us to win laurels in Olympics&Asian Games.Participation must from PResident to citizens including PM and ministers.Using Physical education instructors from Army, local talent can be identified and trained.

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    sachin garg - 9 years ago

    Region wise devision of country and each senior govt office must be associated with one sports person n will be responsible to represent him or her in case of any issue. Reward for them if they bud some class athlete.
    Auto clearance of atletes issues and minimum monthly support for aspirants.
    Senior athlete have clear record n good performance must coatch new kids n develope them

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    sachin garg - 9 years ago

    Sport people having high caliber must have independent web page which will ispire others n help new blood to interect n take tips. This must be run by govt. Also all sport people must have registration in sports web page n accessable to future aspirants. They may ask funds if required n followers can support them if required. Once th e pride n support is given the level autimatically goes up.

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    Ankit Kumar - 9 years ago

    One of the most important step which can uplift the status of sports in our country is "SWARAJ IN SPORTS "
    Only those people should be in the managing committee who were a part of that sports.
    This system is followed in cricket but not in other sports.

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    anupam sharma_3 - 9 years ago

    India requires at least four Olympic sized stadiums (acc. to population stats), proper infrastructure is the most basic necessity for every sport. more no of people will only be attracted towards sports when they will found some good carrier in sports . govt should provide more benefits to players who deserve,so that more players get attracted towards sports. our India has extreme talent.

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    AshokKumar Tudu - 9 years ago


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    Amarjeet mahlan - 9 years ago

    Sr my self amarjeet. India me sports nahi h bec. Uaha pe bhaichara jayada chal raha h . Sabhi team me trainer ke reletive jayada as a royal player.if we wnt to improve we put a trail on basis of dist level in front of media with judge as that a good player get a chance to come up. Trail may be held on school basis

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