Winner Announcement for Oral Health Quiz 2023

July 10, 2023

We are thrilled to announce the winners of the highly anticipated Oral Health Quiz 2023! held between 23 Apr, 2023 and 23 May, 2023 on the theme of “Be Proud of Your Mouth”. This exciting competition brought together dental enthusiasts and professionals from around the world to showcase their knowledge and commitment to maintaining optimal oral health.

After careful evaluation and rigorous assessment, we are delighted to unveil the champions who have emerged as true leaders in dental wellness.

Join us as we celebrate their remarkable achievements and discover the secrets behind their radiant smiles!

Over 30,463 entries were received from the different parts of the country from which 3 entries are finalized as winner.

ID: 81620874 | Name: Niharika Bishnoi | Prize: ₹3,000/- (1st Position)
ID: 81435094 | Name: Abhishek Mishra | Prize: ₹2,000/- (2nd Position)
ID: 40665294 | Name: Poojashree | Prize: ₹1,000/- (3rd Position)

MyGov, National Oral Health Program, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) in collaboration with Centre for Dental Education and Research AIIMS, extend heartfelt congratulations to all the winners of the Oral Health Quiz 2023! Their dedication, expertise, and passion for dental wellness have truly set them apart.

As we celebrate their achievements, let us all be inspired to prioritize our oral health and strive for brighter, healthier smiles. Stay tuned for more exciting updates, valuable resources, and future opportunities to engage with the global dental community. Together, let’s continue our journey towards optimal oral health!

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