Closure Announcement for Design a Logo for Women Welfare Department Uttar Pradesh

Blog By - Team MyGov,
November 10, 2023

The Department of Women and Child Development was established in the year 1989 with a view to accelerating the development of women and children. For the purpose of empowering women, the full-time Women and Child Development Department was established by the state government in the year 1989 with the objective of bringing women welfare-related programs at the state level.
The Women Welfare Department, Uttar Pradesh collaborated with MyGov to organize a competition to Design a Logo for Women Welfare Department Uttar Pradesh. As part of this competition, Citizens were invited to design a logo for the Women Welfare Department, UP with the theme “ सशक्त महिला सुरक्षित बचपन ” for using in all promotional materials, including brochures, billboards, websites, etc.
MyGov has received good participation in the hosted activity. The entries received were evaluated but it was decided by the department that none of the entries presently found suitable to be used for program.
We appreciate the efforts of all participants and thank them for their enthusiasm.
Keep Participating :


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