College Fagathanshi Mission: Transforming Higher Education in Manipur

Blog By - Team MyGov,
January 25, 2024

In a visionary move, the Department of Higher Education, Government of Manipur, launched a transformative initiative – the ‘College Fagathansi Mission.’ This mission aligns with the National Education Policy (NEP) of 2020, aiming to shape higher education institutions into hubs for developing enlightened, conscious, and creative individuals. With a focus on quality education, the mission envisions comprehensive development in government colleges across Manipur by 2030.

Objective of the Scheme:

The core objectives of the College Fagathansi Mission are ambitious and holistic:
Infrastructure Development: Provide essential physical infrastructure, including classrooms, laboratory equipment, IT hardware, and student facilities, to ensure the delivery of quality higher education.
Learning Resources: Equip colleges with necessary learning materials and e-resources to enhance effective learning experiences for students.
Faculty Development: Ensure an adequate number of trained teaching and non-teaching staff, with a focus on capacity building through Faculty Development Programmes.
Diversification of Courses: Open new undergraduate and postgraduate programs to meet the demands of the evolving job market.
Career Guidance: Empower students with knowledge about employment opportunities and future progression through counselling and workshops.
Skill Enhancement: Integrate skill and vocational education/training to enhance students’ employability.

Scheme Components:

The scheme comes with a substantial budget of Rs. 60 crores, allocated for the fiscal year 2023-24. Twenty-four government colleges have been selected for the first phase, each receiving a comprehensive package of up to Rs. 2.5 crores. This funding covers various aspects, such as physical infrastructure, IT augmentation, books, lab equipment, e-resources, training, and capacity building.

Duration of the Scheme:

The College Fagathansi Mission is slated to continue until all government colleges in the state are covered. The scheme places a priority on preparing colleges to meet the basic mandates of NEP 2020 by 2030. Colleges selected under the scheme are expected to implement it within two years from the date of fund sanction.

Mode of Implementation:

The scheme adopts a phased approach, with a committee overseeing the selection of colleges for implementation. A ‘Scheme Monitoring Committee’ and a ‘Scheme Implementation Committee’ will ensure effective supervision and execution of the mission’s goals.

Scheme Outcome:

The anticipated outcomes at the end of two years include:

Adequate Physical Infrastructure: Colleges equipped with amenities for quality higher education.

Trained Staff: Teaching and non-teaching staff adequately trained for multidisciplinary higher education.

Learning Resources: Access to up-to-date learning materials, with a 20% improvement in use of e-resources.

Improved Attendance: A 20% increase in daily student attendance.

Reduced Dropout Rates: A minimum 5% reduction in college dropout rates.

Enhanced Academic Performance: A minimum 5% improvement in students’ performance in final examinations. Increased Placement Rates: A minimum 5% improvement in student placements and higher education enrolments.

The College Fagathansi Mission represents a significant stride towards reshaping higher education in Manipur. By focusing on infrastructure, faculty development, and student outcomes, the scheme holds the potential to elevate the quality of education and produce well-rounded individuals ready to contribute to society. As this transformative journey begins, the government and educational stakeholders are poised to witness the positive impact of this visionary initiative.



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