Closure Announcement for Create a Poster on International Day of Yoga 2023

Blog By - Team MyGov,
February 22, 2024

Recognizing the universal appeal of Yoga, owing to its demonstrated benefits towards immunity building and stress relief, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) proclaimed 21st June as the International Day of Yoga (IDY) on 11th December 2014. Since 2015, this day has been observed all over the world in ever-growing numbers, to remind people across the globe about the benefits of Yoga, and to build enduring public interest in Yoga by highlighting its importance and contributions to public health.

Ministry of Ayush launched International Day of Yoga 2023 Create a Poster on International Day of Yoga 2023 in collaboration with MyGov India to commemorate the occasion of the 9th IDY.

The activity was hosted from 12th April 2023 to 1st May 2023, and received 223 responses from the users.

The entries received were examined, and it was decided that none of the entries were suitable to be used for the purpose. Therefore, with sincere appreciation for the efforts and creativity showcased, it has been collectively decided not to proceed further with the entries received for the said competition.

We look forward to your continued participation in upcoming activities.