Announcing Winners of the Governance Quiz 2017

Blog By - Team MyGov,
January 19, 2018

Jan Bhagidari is a cornerstone of the Government’s governance efforts. In keeping with this spirit, MyGov conducted the Governance Quiz from 29th May 2017 to 26th June 2017.  The quiz was designed to test the knowledge of the citizens on initiatives, schemes, efforts and various other steps taken by the Government led by PM Narendra Modi, ensuring the goal of “Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas”.  Citizens across the country displayed their enthusiastic performance with over 41,000 participants.

Here is the list of top 10 winners of the quiz-

Rank User ID Name
1 171477 Abhishek Vashistha
2 411720 Anurag Singh
3 422602 Sarthak Patwal
4 301644 Pradeep
5 409271 Shantnooo
6 354500 K.R. Ranjini
7 278961 Ujjwal Pathak
8 440703 Vikarant
9 417496 Brijendra Tripathi
10 194793 Vishal Sharma

MyGov congratulates all the winners of the quiz and looks forward for their continued association.

Keep Quizzing at

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