Winner Announcement of Combating Corruption Battling Black Money Corruption Contest

Blog By - Team MyGov,
June 3, 2019

Government of India in its step in fighting the menace of black money and corruption announced various methods to engage with citizens of India. One of the method was to highlight the fight against corruption and black money in creative ways. MyGov hosted various creative competition to create awareness and also motivate further action in this fight for the nation’s future. In view of the same MyGov hosted following contest under the title Combating corruption battling Black Money

  1. Essay
  2. Artwork
  3. Video
  4. Poem

For each of the category following list of gratification/prizes were announced.

  1. 1st prize – Rs. 2 lakhs
  2. 2nd prize – Rs. 1 lakhs
  3. 3rd prize – Rs. 50,000
  4. 5 consolation prizes of Rs. 25,000 each

The competition was hosted from 30th October 2017 to midnight of 30th November 2017.  A total of 3510 submissions were received on MyGov during the contest period.

The entries received were evaluated by MyGov team and considering the unique requirement of the contest, no entry was found suitable to be awarded the First, Second or Third prize.

The MyGov team has selected the following participants for consolation prize in each category.


Category Post ID Name
Essay 103008971 Nishant Kiran
Artwork 102994531 Koothath Murali Krishnan
Poem 102933541 Niteen Kumar
Video 103001821 Shreyas Jain


We thank the participants for their overwhelming interests.

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