Skill Development

Blog By - Team MyGov,
August 8, 2014

To create a nation of skilled citizens especially youth and encourage their active engagement with the Government for nation building, the MyGov site calls for suggestions on developing employable skills.

The ‘Skill Development’ group seeks bold ideas, suggestions on concrete policies and initiatives to keep pace with the changing trends and help youth enter job market.

Since the launch, more than 49,000 members have joined the group.


More than 9,000 members have shared their opinion on youth as the new age power for nation building. Many people have emphasized on giving a boost to education system for nurturing and creating talent.

The members have also shared valuable opinion on importance of skill development for taking the nation forward in the 21st century.

Some of the suggestions are:

  1. Corporate social responsibility scheme if performed more effectively by organizing skill development centres in nearby colleges relating to the company’s stream.
  2. While access to education has comparatively improved in Urban India, skill development and refinement is an area that needs immediate attention. With skill development and refinement people become employable. We can start skill development initiatives in small groups in our locality. Conduct English Coaching, Refresher courses for Engineers or other Graduates who have been unemployed for more than 1yr. Interested individual can get together and start locally.
  3. Provide more practical education from the root level and encouraging the youth to do new researches.

Your contribution can make a big difference! To share your opinion and ideas, please login at MyGov; take part in the discussions and undertake the tasks assigned.

You can join this Group, if you are signed in!!

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    Jay Chan - 9 years ago

    There are so many unemployed people, just make sure which applicant is best for which field, sector to work in. Thats what China is doing and making best professionals out of its people.

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      Jay Chan - 9 years ago

      For skill development government should take the role Biggest Human Resource Manager in the country. Use those psychological & intelligence test experts that you use in army selection personnel recruitment. Make your work work easy by using more of these experts for sole purpose of human resource planning and analysis of candidates for skill development.

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    Jay Chan - 9 years ago

    Please sort out the people who are interested to move with which program whether Make in india, Skill development if either of this then which sector the government is focussing whether defence equipment, petroleum, or which one. Ask them to choose that. Before all this government should analyze suitability, natural abilities of candidate without much strain with Scientific Face reading(Fa ling lines,all face features,etc). In this way persons qualifications and personality can be planned best.

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    Krishna Kumar Saxena - 9 years ago

    3) If small manufacturer is harassed like this, where new job seekers will go, after getting training for skill development?
    4) And after all these things, Make in India, will be limited to only for big business houses, who do now want any competition from Small Entrepreneurs.

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    Krishna Kumar Saxena - 9 years ago

    2) Now they are saying that all LED lights must be BIS certified, I also agree on this, but there is total confusion, as no one knows what are actual parameters, very few testing facilities, and testing fee for each item (LED Bulb, Tube Light, Down Light, Street Light) is more than Rs.50,000/-, that is, if he try to get BIS for only one item in 4 different current rationg, he has to pay more than Rs.200,000/- ,therefore, if small manufacturer pay only for testing charges, how will he run his bus

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    Nitin TIwari - 9 years ago

    For education system I think that school should be the place where every child wanna go. And college should be place where each youth wanna go. It should become exiting. The study system need so much update. In the modern digital world why we are using pen and copies if we have tabs and laptops. We should use all the modern gadgets, We need practical theories including books. Not just books. And study should not cost much, each child of India deserve school. We have to make government schools.

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    Nitin TIwari - 9 years ago

    I am a student still. never went to college still I am able to do some programming. What I believe that if any kind of Institute can be provided by government to us in which we can learn only programming then it will be nice step in IT development. What I am actually saying is that programming is an easy thing can be learn even from 6th grades students. Why Indian schools don’t teach programming in syllabus. I think to complete the dream of digital India we need programming basics.

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    Panchiwala Bhavesh - 9 years ago

    In the skill development doesnot depends on the initialy ideas and views,but it’s depends on the based on the study and skill developed in the small that we are developed the study of the below 10 standard and after then we will improve our skill development and any one of the vocational cources in the primary that we will preparte of the youth and the next step of the educated india.

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    Mahalakshmi Iyadurai - 9 years ago

    Government can start a TV channel eclusively for skill development of all categories of people and well advertised through all newspapers so that the daily programs on the channel is known to the targetted viewers. It can stage programs from very small scale to high level skill development to setup companies/home based business setups/research for innovative products which can increase eport/etc. Morning to evening all programs are targetted towards students/rich/poor/enterprenur aspirants etc

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    Mahalakshmi Iyadurai - 9 years ago

    All government departments can initiate research and development projects of immediate social valueso that the government spending directly going to people of India. this can be like reducing the cost of solar based power setup, handheld diagnostic systems for safe and accurate diagnostics, vehicle safety systems to avoid accidents, low cost water purifiers,safe packing procedures to avoid plastic bags/plastic containers, Low cost computers like cellphones etc.

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    Mahalakshmi Iyadurai - 9 years ago

    So many people are wasting their time, not knowing what to do, when to do & how to do. Workable procedure/scheme is to be crafted to tap the abundant power dormant in every Indian/human.

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