Himachal Pradesh Cabinet Decisions

Blog By - Team MyGov,
May 28, 2020

The Cabinet approved the concept of Portal for registration of those people who have come to HP and require either a job or up-gradation of their skills. It was decided that the scheme for loans for working capital requirements with interest subvention for the tourism sector be prepared by the Tourism Department immediately.

Cabinet stressed on the need for promotion of e NAM to facilitate farmers:

The Cabinet also stressed the need for promotion of e-NAM, Constant monitoring / touch with Ladaanis, Labour, Mandis etc., augmenting CA storage, milk procurement processing and active involvement of SHGs in marketing to facilitate the farmers.

Committee to be formed under Industry Minister to tackle the shortage of labour in different sectors:

The Cabinet also decided to set up a Committee under the Chairmanship of Industry Minister with ACS MPP & Power, Pr. Secretary Revenue, Principal Secretary Agriculture, Pr. Secretary to HCM, Secretary IPH and Secretary Horticulture to discuss the issue of likely shortage of labour in different sector and come up with solutions. It also decided to set up a Committee under the Chairmanship of Social Justice and Empowerment Minister with ACS Labour and Pr. Secretary Finance to examine the present system of sanction of Schemes under the SCSP Demand 32 and to propose a system for simplification and better monitoring of these schemes.
The Cabinet also decided to set up a Committee under the Chairmanship of Additional Chief Secretary Power, assisted by Director Energy and Director Industries to evaluate how CSR funding could be leveraged for development of the State.

One hospital in each subdivision to be identified to create better health infra at the ground level:

The Cabinet also decided to identify one hospital in each Sub Division and make a proposal to equip the same both in terms of manpower and equipments to create better health infrastructure at the ground level and avoid unnecessary referrals.

Education Department to procure and supply school uniforms under Atal School Vardi Yojna’ for the year 2019-20:

It decided to regularize the services of all those part-time water carriers in the Education Department who have completed 13 years of combined services, which includes five years as a daily wage and eight years as a part-time water carrier. Earlier, 14 years were required for regularization to this category.The Cabinet decided to allow the Education Department to procure and supply school uniforms through HP State Civil Supplies Corporation under ‘Atal School Vardi Yojna’ for the year 2019-20 for the students of 1st to 12th classes. This will benefit about 8.31 lakh students of the State.

10 posts of statistical assistants in Women and Child Development Department to be filled:

It gave its approval to fill up 10 posts of Statistical Assistants in Women and Child Development Department through direct recruitment on contract basis.The Cabinet also gave approval to fill up three posts of different categories in Sub Employment Office Padhar in district Mandi to man this office.It accorded its consent to start science classes in Government Senior Secondary School, Sari Bhekhali in Kullu district along with creation of two posts of lecturers to facilitate the students.

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