Sit & Draw Competition on Smart City and online voting kiosks: New Town Kolkata

Blog By - Team MyGov,
November 19, 2015

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New Town Kolkata Development Authority conducted a Sit and Draw Competition under the theme of “New Town Kolkata – A Smart City” as a part of the Citizen involvement process on 8th Nov 2015 from 11:00 am to 01:00 pm at Senior Citizens’ Park. Children of the Stakeholders of New Town, Kolkata were invited to participate in a Painting Competition for Smart City New Town, Kolkata conducted in 2 groups. Group A was comprised of children from the age group 7 yrs to 12 yrs and Group B was comprised of children from 13 yrs to 20 yrs . The aim of the competition was to have their aspiration, vision and their dream about Smart City New Town.

The Competition was organized by New Town Kolkata Development Authority in presence of the Hon’ble Chairman, NKDA, Mission Director, Smart Cities, Urban Development Department, Govt. of West Bengal. More than 100 nos of children participated in the event.

There was a voting facility also available at the event where citizens voted for the best area based solution and PAN city solution.

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