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MyGov joins the Swachh Bharat Mission with creative platforms, &

Blog By - Team MyGov,
October 10, 2014


In response to the clarion call given by Hon’ble Prime Minister Narendra Modi for Swachh Bharat (Clean India), the Nation witnessed a wave of enthusiasts wielding the broom and taking up the cleanliness pledge. Earlier, the Prime Minister wrote a message to citizens stating, “A clean India is the best tribute we can pay to Bapu when we celebrate his 150th birth anniversary in 2019. I urge every one of you to devote at least hundred hours every year towards cleanliness. We can’t let India remain unclean any longer.” On 2nd October, the launch of the mission was followed by Prime Minister flagging off a walkathon at Rajpath. Shri Modi visited Rajghat followed by Valmiki Basti (a housing colony), where he swept streets for a symbolic start.

The mission has extended to every nook and corner of the country. Various tasks and discussions relating to Swachh Bharat Abhiyan also featured on the MyGov platform in order to involve more and more people in the mission. To propel the campaign further,

MyGov has introduced a creative and collaborative platform, where citizens can share their contributions to this remarkable movement with pictures and videos. The website enables citizens to upload “before”, “after” pictures, Swachh Bharat “activity video” and share personal experiences as well as open up challenge to a maximum of up to nine persons for the same. Similarly, each of these nine persons can also challenge nine more…this way the chain of activities would keep growing.

Another platform, brings together various efforts by government departments and organizations in cleaning public buildings and nearby localities. Government employees and organizations can directly log in with their or accounts to publish their activities under the campaign.

You too can join the websites mentioned above and share your experience of cleaning a particular area or locality as well as nominate friends and family members to do the same.

  • usericon
    Nitishi Gupta - 9 years ago

    I think for Swach Bharat Abhiyan the basic step we need it to clean all the dustbins. Wherever you see the dustbins are always full and dirty. I have so many metro station entry gates where dustbins are always full so people throw dirty on road and the same is with public parks. In every garden. gardeners collect all those dead leaves and they burn them which makes air polluted. and the most under every PEEPLE TREE you can see pooja things which makes public parks dirty.

    • usericon
      Nitishi Gupta - 9 years ago

      In my pervious comment "i have seen so many metro station"

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    thanga rangan - 9 years ago

    I am residing in Tamilnadu-Chennai where I have seen many rag pickers who collect and sell the waste for money but fortunately it goes to recyclers which is good but still there are some other unwanted waste/dirt remains these happens mainly in our Railway tracks and platforms also I have identified the root cause analysis (RCA) for this is no adequate dustbins in compartments/coach, where even educated people and old people suffer lot to identify the dust bin and place the waste there, so the

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