मेरी सरकार द्वारा परिलक्षित यूनियन बजट 2015 पर नागरिकों के विचार

Blog By - Team MyGov,
नवम्बर 24, 2015

Budget 2015

मेरी सरकार ने आम नागरिकों द्वारा सुझाए गए कुछ उल्लेखनीय विचारों को प्रस्तुत किया “जनता सहयोगी के रूप में- बजट 2015-16 के लिए सुझाव आमंत्रित” पर चर्चा और वित्त मंत्री श्री अरुण जेटली द्वारा 28 फ़रवरी 2015 को प्रस्तुत केंद्रीय बजट 2015-16 में प्रतिबद्धताएं परिलक्षित होती हैं।

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    Sarvesh Tiwari - 9 years ago

    When I think about, Indian economy first question come in my mind "Do We have any Blue Print for Indian Economy ?"

    A Blue Print which is goal oriented(Short term goals, Mid term goals, Long Term goal) each complimentary to the end goal. End goal should be such that which is almost impossible may be for year 2100. Because once we achieve the self set goal we are finished no inspiration for further work.

    When I think for Blue Print,I am forced to look back history,A history of Jagat Guru….

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    Pavan_4 - 10 years ago

    आज भारत देश में कई ऐसे लोग है जिनकी आय 1 करोड़ से ज्यादा है और वो लोग भी 30% स्लैब में आते है।। अच्छा होगा यदि इन पे 35% स्लैब लगा दिया जाये और आय में छूट को 2.5 से बड़ा कर 3 कर दिया जाए

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    Pavan_4 - 10 years ago

    आज भारत देश में कई ऐसे लोग है जिनकी आय 1 करोड़ से ज्यादा है और वो लोग भी 30% स्लैब में आते है।। अच्छा होगा यदि इन पे 35% स्लैब लगा दिया जाये और आय में छूट को 2.5 से बड़ा कर 3 कर दिया जाए

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    Pavan_4 - 10 years ago

    आज भारत देश में कई ऐसे लोग है जिनकी आय 1 करोड़ से ज्यादा है और वो लोग भी 30% स्लैब में आते है।। अच्छा होगा यदि इन पे 35% स्लैब लगा दिया जाये और आय में छूट को 2.5 से बड़ा कर 3 कर दिया जाए

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    HEMANT PODDAR - 10 years ago

    while govt is increasing duty on cigarettes & Gutkha for last 2 years,it does not touch Biri which is sold in multiple to poor people who become more prone to cancer.Govt should not only increase duties on biri but should also move in direction of stopping Biri & gutkha from a prospective date using interim time to arrange for alternate business for people engaged in it. In fact Gutkha be banned earlier as it is already banned in many states.It will save both health & wealth of people.

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    Dilip Kumar Ram - 10 years ago

    Sorry I don’t have word to express but if you call me (9608610721) I have a valid problem with a perfect solution in Koderma Dist. (jharkhand)

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    M K Arora - 10 years ago

    Solution to common man from Tax Terrorism is still missing, out Income Tax laws are highly unrealistic which is responsible for compulsory corruption.
    Need serious attention from our First ever Most Honest Govt to simplify Direct Taxes, Corporate laws to give freedom to common man to survive and do business.
    More you pay taxes more you are victim of Tax officer to face his enormous powers.large corporates can manage through lawyers, Common man who is fighting to survive is feeling helpless,

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    Jaladip Natvarbhai Panchal - 10 years ago

    Visa on arrival is wiser track taken by government in budget 2015 of 150 countries to be included as visa on arrival but I advise you also includes African countries among 150 like Uganda,Tanzania and Rawanda.
    I been in Uganda for two years people of that country are so friendly and they are willing to visit India but theas countries are not getting benefit of visa on arrival,I wish you give them a gift of visa on arrival to increase the tourist in India!

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    Jagrut Vaidya - 10 years ago

    The corporates must be asked to plan an activity (Like preparing toilets for the community..Or as per the requirement of GOVT) and to own as BOOT for 4 years if they want to claim the benefit of the Corporate tax schemes.They may consider it in CSR if they want but the benefits to be passed on.

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    mukund puranik - 10 years ago

    Infrastructure bonds and Gold bonds should have more rate of interest compared to FD rates in bank to attract more investment from within the country. To attract FDI Indian items for export can be considered at concessional rates than std. export price to investors. Parties who come with attractive FDI in defence could be considered as preferred dealers for Indian manufactured arms for export as a incentive. BRICS should come out with its own currency to avoid USD or EURO dealing.

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