An Integrated Portal For Everyone Working In The Handloom Sector

Blog By - Team MyGov,
December 3, 2020

Myhandlooms website was launched on 7th August 2020. Through this website weavers can submit online applications for Handloom Awards, weavers/entrepreneurs can submit applications/proposals for Exhibitions/ Craft Melas, and proposals for Cluster Schemes can be obtained from implementing agencies.

“My Handloom” is an integrated portal for all the weavers, state agencies, Apex & cooperative Societies, and other organizations working in Handloom Sector. Through this portal, applications for various handloom schemes, such as block-level clusters, handloom marketing assistance, and awards, etc may be submitted. This portal will make the process of submitting and approving applications for good governance completely paperless and transparent.

Through this portal, the applicant can apply for awards, marketing events, craft fairs, DilliHaat, etc. The Implementing agencies of Clusters/Block Level Clusters can forward their proposals through this website.

From this website information on all handloom schemes like NHDP, CHCDS, Weaver’s welfare Schemes and Yarn Supply Schemes may be obtained. It will also contain details on block-level clusters, handloom marketing assistance, Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojna (PMMY), etc. This website will provide real-time information through an interactive dashboard for the progress of various schemes like PMMYBeneficiaries, HSS Beneficiaries, Weaver Insurance, Yarn Supply Scheme, Information about Skill up-gradation Training, etc. having complete transparency.

Features of the portal;

  • One portal and single “sign-on” for all schemes. The information filled by the applicant at the time of 1st signup will be kept safe in the system and that user ID and Password can be used for getting the benefit of other schemes on this portal.
  • Providing instant user ID and password.
  • Email verification.
  • Easy drop-down menu and simple navigation to fill applications.
  • Easy uploading of documents in multiple formats.
  • Previewing the application before checking the filled details.
  • Real-time status update of applications through dashboard and email.
  • An online lottery system for transparent allotment of stalls for various events viz. fairs, Craft Melas, DilliHaat, etc.
  • The process of submission and approval of the application will be completely paperless.
  • Easy tracking of applications.