Announcement for the Closure of Name, Logo, & Tagline Contests for the Repurposed CoWIN

Blog By - Team MyGov,
January 10, 2023

National Health Authority hosted three contests on the MyGov platform from 4th October to 12th October 2022 to crowd-source suggestions on the name, logo, and tagline for the repurposed CoWIN portal.

The total participation received for the Name of repurposed CoWIN Portal contest is 707, 284 for the Logo for the repurposed CoWIN Portal contest and, 560 for the Tagline for the repurposed CoWIN Portal contest, respectively.

While the committee appreciates the efforts put in by the participants, no particular entry received in the 3 categories were found to be suitable for the declared prize amount. Therefore, it is decided that none of the entries shall be awarded the prize for the said contests.

Further, the selection committee decided to award an e-certificate of appreciation to the following entries:

S. No. Contest Name Comment ID Description User Name
1 Name of repurposed CoWIN Portal 128181151 Upchar Himank Mittal
2 Name of repurposed CoWIN Portal 128243351 CoWIN-PLUS
Preventive and
Long-term Upchar Service
Tushar Singh
3 Name of repurposed CoWIN Portal 128237321 UPCHAAR Gaurang Sharma
4 Name of repurposed CoWIN Portal 128202121 USHA – Unified System

for HeAlth services

5 Tagline for the repurposed CoWIN Portal 128244591 स्वस्थ नागरिक, स्वस्थ राष्ट्र I

Healthy Citizens, Healthy Nation

6 Tagline for the repurposed CoWIN Portal 128187371 आरोग्य प्रथम Health first Rounak Kole


NHA appreciates the efforts of all participants and thanks them for their overwhelming interest, enthusiasm, and keenness in participating in the above competitions.

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