Citizens’ Ideas on MyGov Reflected in IIM ACT 2017

Blog By - Team MyGov,
January 11, 2018

Ministry of Human Resource and Development invited citizens’ suggestions and ideas on Draft IIM Bill 2015 through a public discussion on MyGov. Several of these responses have been reflected in the IIM ACT 2017 which envisages greater autonomy and empowerment to students to grant degrees instead of diplomas.

MyGov acknowledges all the citizens who contributed their significant ideas in this discussion to attain standard of global excellence.

Suggestion 1

I, all IIM PGP Students, alumni & aspirants want that the 2 year Post Graduate Programme in Management(PGP) must be given the full time  MBA DEGREE which is the flagship, oldest, most prestigious programme offered by IIMs. As it will strengthen & globalize brand IIM, brand India & truly help succeed Make in India


IIM ACT 2017

IIMs would become institutes of national importance with power to grant degrees.


Suggestion 2

All IIMs can be put under one university which only proposes the guidelines and make IIMs as autonomous institutes under the university.

Logesh R

IIM ACT 2017

The boards of the institutes are proposed to be vested with full autonomy.


Suggestion 3

It will be good if the Central Government takes into account the opinion of the faculty, alumni and the Boards of the Institutes while appointing the Director

Aashish Argade

IIM ACT 2017

The institutes will be managed by a Board, and each will have a chairperson and director which will be selected by the Board.


Suggestion 4

Demand greater performance from IIMS, not through more rules and controls but by monitoring tangible results.

Trilochan Sastry

 IIM ACT 2017

There will be regular review of the performance of the IIMs by independent agencies. The results will be put up in the public domain.


Suggestion 5

Conduct industry specific program to understand challenges faced by new entrepreneurs and help them solve issue.

Vivek Mishra

IIM ACT 2017

To educate and support leaders who can contribute as professional managers, entrepreneurs, and stewards of existing and emerging enterprises in the private, public, and social sectors.

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