Closing Announcement of Short Video Making competition on Green & Clean Energy

Blog By - Team MyGov,
September 3, 2022

Closing Announcement of Short Video Making competition on Green & Clean Energy

With a view to create awareness among the consumers of fossil fuels, Petroleum Conservation Research Association (PCRA), Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas launched a month-long campaign, highlighting the adverse health and environmental impacts of increasing carbon footprints. ‘SAKSHAM’s idea is to convince consumers to switch to cleaner fuels and bring in behavioral change to use fossil fuel intelligently.

The campaign through various pan-India activities such as Cyclothon, Farmer Workshops, Technical Seminars, Painting Competition, etc. will spread awareness among masses about the advantages of using clean fuels. The campaign will also spread awareness about 7 key drivers that collectively would help India move towards cleaner energy.

The key drivers include moving towards a gas-based economy, cleaner use of fossil fuels, greater reliance on domestic sources to drive biofuels, achieving renewable targets with the set deadlines, increased use of electric vehicles to decarbonize mobility, increased use of cleaner fuels like Hydrogen, and digital innovation across all energy systems.

In this campaign Short Video Making competition on Green & Clean Energy was organized on MyGov, where all citizens were invited to participate in the activity. Total participation in the competition was 446.The valid entries received were evaluated by a duly constituted Jury and after much deliberation it was decided that none of the entries fulfilled the evaluation criteria required for the award of a prize. It is therefore decided not to proceed further with the entries received against the said contest through the MyGov platform.

We appreciate the efforts of all the participants and thank them for their overwhelming interest and keenness in participating in the above competition and we hope that this time there will be greater participation with more vigor and enthusiasm.

PCRA Team thanks all of you for your participation.