Closure Announcement Blog for NCW Logo Competition

March 4, 2024

The National Commission for Women (NCW) invited creative minds and design enthusiasts to participate in its logo design competition and to design a fresh and impactful logo that would serve as a visual identity for NCW, symbolizing its commitment to promoting gender equality and championing the rights of women across diverse backgrounds.

This contest was hosted on the MyGov platform from 01st January, 2024 to 22nd January, 2024. We appreciate the efforts of all the participants and thank them for their overwhelming interest and keenness in participating in the above contest. A total of 1638 entries were received and placed before the Screening Committee. Unfortunately, the Committee could not select a winner or runner-up as none of the entries qualified the criteria laid down for the contest.

After thorough deliberation, it has been decided not to proceed further with the entries received for the said contest through the MyGov platform.

National Commission for Women and MyGov thank all the participants for their contributions and encourage citizens to continue participating in such future activities. Keep participating!

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