Closure Announcement for Logo and Tagline Competition for Mega Food Event

June 5, 2023

The Ministry of Food Processing Industry has hosted two contests on the MyGov platform from 21st November 2022 to 20th December 2022 to crowdsource suggestions on the Logo and Tagline Competition for the Mega Food Event-2023.

The total participation received for the Logo Competition for Mega Food Event-2023 is 773 and for Tagline Competition for Mega Food Event-2023 is 1,639 respectively.

While the selection committee appreciates the efforts put in by all the participants in general and the following participants in particular, no particular entry received in the 2 categories were found suitable for final selection for the declared prize amount.

Therefore, it has been decided that none of the entries shall be awarded the prize for the said contests and the following entries will be awarded an e-certificate of appreciation by the Ministry of Food Processing Industry:

Sr. No. Comment ID User Name
1 128713841 Silvia Gupta
2 128716121 Mamta Baunthiyal
3 128720671 Sadashiv B. Kadam
4 128728191 Mittakolasainandhan
5 128729251 Biswanath Panda
6 128750771 Manikandanr
7 128762491 Swati Sengupta

MoFPI appreciates the efforts of all participants and expresses gratitude for their overwhelming interest, enthusiasm, and keenness to participate in the aforementioned competition.

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