Closure Announcement for Suggest a Tagline for promoting startups and entrepreneurship in newer or emerging cities

November 28, 2023

STPI has hosted a contest on the MyGov platform from Feb 20, 2023, to March 20, 2023, to crowdsource suggestions on the “Suggest a Tagline” Competition for promoting start-ups and entrepreneurship in newer or emerging cities (Tier II and Tier III cities), as well as inspiring youths in these cities to innovate in emerging technology areas and be a part of the vibrant Indian start-up ecosystem.

The number of total entries received for this competition is ‘2253’ and after thorough review and deliberation, the Jury committee has reached a decision. Regrettably, the committee found no entries suitable for recognition in either category. The committee extends sincere gratitude to all the participants who enthusiastically took part in said contest.

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