Closure Announcement for the Yoga Se Ayu Quiz

Blog By - Team MyGov,
February 6, 2024

All-India Institute of Ayurveda under Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India organized ‘Yoga Se Ayu’ Quiz in collaboration with MyGov to celebrate the International Day of Yoga and encourage citizens to take part in the quiz and also create an overall positive environment.

Quiz was designed to make participants aware of the importance of Yoga in Ayurveda in maintaining health, and harmony. Yoga is an integral part of our cultural heritage and along with Ayurveda, is practiced for maintaining physical fitness, mental alertness, and emotional balance. It was designed to instill awareness and understanding of Yoga in Ayurveda, and its importance in maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle.

The Quiz was hosted from 3rd June 2022 to 21st June 2022 and receive an overwhelming response of 36,958 participation from the users.

All-India Institute of Ayurveda and MyGov appreciate the efforts of all the participants and thank them for their overwhelming interest, enthusiasm, and keenness in participating in the Quiz.

We look forward to your continued participation in upcoming activities.

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