Closure announcement of Photography Competition-Share the unknown spots of Mizoram

Blog By - Team MyGov,
May 3, 2023

MyGov-Mizoram organised a “Photography Competition- Share the unknown spots of Mizoram”  with an aim to encourage the citizens to visit and capture the true beauty of Mizoram, which is still unknown to the world. Mizoram provides a calm, serene environment with exciting outdoor activities in beautiful lush green surroundings that keep you close to nature.
“Photography Competition- Share the unknown spots of Mizoram” was hosted on MyGov Platform from 21st February, 2023 to 31st March 2023. A total of 260 entries were received, and after thorough deliberation by the panel of judges , it was determined that none of the submissions met the standards necessary for the award of a prize. It is therefore decided not to proceed further with the entries received against the said contest through the MyGov platform.
We appreciate the efforts of all the participants and thank them for their overwhelming interest and keenness in participating in the above competition and we hope that this time there will be greater participation with more vigor and enthusiasm.