Digital Payments Awareness Contests Conclude

Blog By - Team MyGov,
February 6, 2018

The Digital Payment Division of MeitY had organized two separate contests for crowdsourcing of “Logo and Tagline” and “Signature Tune” with the help of MyGov team. The deadline for submissions against the contest was December 5, 2017.

The contest was aimed at identifying possible Logo, Tagline and Signature Tune for further use by the Digital Payment Division of MeitY for their integrated Digital Payment Awareness campaign.

In this regard, we appreciate the efforts of all the participants and thank them for their overwhelming interest, enthusiasm and keenness in participating in the above contest to further the “Digital Payment Awareness” campaign. A large number of entries were received for both the contests. The responses received were indeed admirable. Due to unique requirements of DigiDhan Mission, post evaluation of all the individual entries by a committee appointed for the purpose, it has been decided not to proceed further with any of the entries as were received against the above-mentioned contests through the portal.

We would once again like to thank all the participants for their valuable contributions in this regard.

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