Comprehensive Stakeholder Consultations to make Nashik a Smart City

Blog By - Team MyGov,
November 23, 2015


“There is no logic that can be superimposed on the city; people make it, and it is to them, not buildings, that we must fit our plans.” – Jane Jacobs

Keeping this in mind Nashik Municipal Corporation had launched a Comprehensive stakeholder consultation plan, which will cover every Strata of society, Age groups, Government agencies, Profit and non-profit institutions. The Aim is to get varied and comprehensive views from the citizens of Nashik on how to make Nashik City smart.

The stakeholder consultation plan had three main components:

  1. Public Awareness:A Learned discussion is more valuable and productive. Keeping this in mind, various modes were used to explain smart city mission to citizens. Various initiatives like rallies, cultural events, dramas, public presentation etc. were used to create awareness about Smart City among the citizens. A separate website has been created which would special focus on smart city mission.
  2. Public Opinion: A massive on the ground survey was conducted to get citizens views on Area based and Pan city solutions. NMC had prepared day-wise plans which would cover all divisions of the city and thus extending its reach to maximum stakeholders. The survey forms were prepared in such a way that it was simple and easy to understand and people could complete the survey in 1-2 minutes. . Further various other competitions like essay writing, Smart City logo, vision statement, Rangoli, Drawing, Debate etc were conducted.
  3. Focus Group Discussions: NMC conductedmultiple focused group discussion (FGDs) with organization which directly or indirectly contributes towards smooth functioning and development of city. Some examples include Police department, State government agencies, State level parastatals, Trade and Industry Associations, Public representatives for slums, hawkers, nature lovers, industrial workers, self-help groups, aanganwadi workers etc.

Apart from the above mediums, NMC has been disseminating information through various other online modes like:

Citizens can choose of the above mediums to view, comment or know more about Nashik Smart City. Also, all information regarding activities/consultations/ events are available through these modes.
Following are some pictures of public consultation.

Surat Visit
Trade Associations
Slum Dwellers
School Kids
Self Help Group
Rangoli Competitions
Cultural Events-3
Hawkers Association
Cultural events-2
Cultural Events

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