CSIR’s Technology Interventions for Water-From Source Finding to Enhancing Potability of Water to Waste Water Treatment
CSIR Laboratories have developed and gainfully deployed significant knowledge base on water, ranging from source finding to mapping of water resources, from quality assessment to enhancing potability of water and from recycling to waste water treatment.
Underground fresh water resource mapping is essential to search and locate the resource to meet the ever growing requirement of water specially for areas facing acute water scarcity. CSIR laboratories are involved in mapping underground fresh water resources through remote sensing and geotechnical tools. CSIR-NGRI has carried out integrated geo-hydrological studies to assess the groundwater availability through deeper exploration of river basins, watersheds in hard rock covered areas in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Maharashtra and other states. CSIR-NGRI has also been involved in integration of geo-information through application of GIS followed by geophysical and geochemical investigations for identification of groundwater potential areas in hard rocks viz., Granite and Basalt terrain.
CSIR-NGRI has carried out Heli-borne survey. This is the most advanced geophysical technique for fast and detailed high resolution mapping of aquifer system. It has led to capturing 3D continuous image of the aquifer system in diverse geological formations. A protocol has been standardized which will help in carrying out Aquifer Mapping at National level.
To augment the availability of potable water in coastal areas and areas where water salinity is high, a need for appropriate technology was felt. In view of this, CSIR-CSMCRI has developed RO membranes. Tubular membrane technology based on cellulose acetate was the initial success followed with successful transfer of technology for manufacture of asymmetric RO membranes to BHEL, Hyderabad. Over the period of time, CSIR-CSMCRI developed indigenous capability to produce large scale TFC RO membranes, fabrication of membrane modules, design of membrane based water desalination/ purification plants and their installation for variety of applications including waste water treatment. The technology was continuously refined and was successfully transferred to industry for commercial production of TFC membranes. Many RO plants were successfully established to provide clean drinking water. Besides, a mobile van fitted with RO plant was designed and commissioned which has served the nation on several occasions during national disasters.
Presence of pathogens in water is one of the major cause for many diseases. Many lives and man days are lost due to water borne diseases. The water borne diseases are more prevalent in the villages where modern, costly and power dependent treatment systems are not sustainable as well as municipal water supply is not available. An affordable and cost effective option is desirable to disinfect water for drinking purposes. CSIR-CSMCRI and CSIR-NCL have developed flat as well as hollow fiber based ultra-filtration membranes for disinfection of water. The technology treats water at high output rate and version with no electricity requirement is also developed. The technologies have been licensed for commercial exploitation.
Eastern part of India is highly contaminated by arsenic leading to various types of skin manifestations and other arsenic toxicity including cancer. In 1993, CSIR-CGCRI, Kolkata initiated preliminary work on development of ceramic membrane for separation process. The pilot plant capacity was developed by 2005 for treatment of arsenic using a novel hybrid process consisting of adsorption of arsenic by a proprietary media suspended in water and separation of the same by ceramic membrane filters under cross-flow filtration condition for simultaneous removal of arsenic and iron from highly contaminated ground water.
Many parts of the country are affected by fluoride contamination. Excess fluoride in drinking water can cause fluorosis which affects the teeth and bones. CSIR-NEERI has been working in the area to remove excess fluoride from water. The laboratory has developed a technology using electrocoagulation/flotation (ECF) is a process to effectively remove fluoride from water. The important feature of the technology is that it is simple to fabricate, easy to operate and requires minimum maintenance.
The presence of iron in water is objectionable owing to production of discoloration, turbidity, deposit and taste. Iron bearing water has an astringent, metallic or bitter taste, having impacts on health. CSIR has developed technologies to remove iron from water and successfully deployed for societal purposes. CSIR-NEERI deployed hand pump attachable iron removal plants. (Ends)
{Feature has been uploaded by CSIR (Unit for Science Dissemination), Ministry of Science & Technology, New Delhi}.