Dhaval Parekh, the Final Year Resident Doctor Fighting on the Frontline!

Blog By - Team MyGov,
July 21, 2020

Meet Dhaval Parekh, the Final Year Resident doctor of BJ Medical College, Ahmedabad fighting on the frontline.

Dhaval was called for contact tracing of patients as part of the government initiative. The young doctor studying at BJ Medical College, Ahmedabad immediately joined the force to volunteer. Though his line of work did not entail patient contact, one day he developed fever, followed with a change of taste, weakness and diarrhoea. Dhaval tested positive for Coronavirus.

During his treatment, Dhaval says that he was lucky to have the best of care from the government and the doctors as he and his colleagues were put up in a hotel dedicated to COVID-19 patients. The atmosphere was one of support and understanding which helped him overcome the illness. He attributes this to the awareness of the medical community that he himself belongs to. The awareness he feels helps take out the fear and myths that surround the disease, especially the stigma that is attached to the people who are suffering from it.

Post his recovery, Dhaval is currently conducting death audit on behalf of the community medicine department of BJ Medical College, at Civil Hospital, Ahmedabad. He has been a witness to many medical experiments and studies for the treatment of Coronavirus. Among many experiments, what struck him was the encouraging results of the plasma treatment. Dhaval was contacted by the local authorities for plasma donation. He immediately agreed. Speaking about the process, Dhaval says, “The process starts from taking the consent of the donor, followed with a medical checkup, hemoglobin count test and suitability of the plasma for antibodies for patients.” He admits that, just like any other common man, he too had some doubts and concerns about the side effects which was allayed by the doctors who explained the whole process to him.

“There are not enough donors who are coming forward for the plasma donation and non-medical survivors of the illness do not turn up, this needs to change,” adding that, Dhaval says, he is committed to inspiring more people to come forward. He states that the will to never give up plays a very important role and he expresses his gratitude towards the support from his family and friends. Dhaval urges all to take precautions as the cases are rising. Meanwhile, on the frontline, this Corona Champion continues to take up every responsibility coming his way that strengthens the fight against this pandemic.


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