Innovate for Digital India Challenge 2.0 – Ten Startups Show the Way

Team MyGov
August 1, 2017

The current government’s Digital India vision has been a game changer for the innovation landscape in India. Intel India in collaboration with the Department of Science & Technology (“DST”), and supported by MyGov and Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (“MeitY”) and anchored by T-Hub Foundation (“T-Hub”), announced the Intel & DST – Innovate for Digital India Challenge 2.0 (“Challenge 2.0”) in 2016. The initiative aimed to foster local innovation to solve India’s problems.

Challenge 2.0 encouraged the creation of easy to use, and scalable solutions to address the challenges faced by the country through solutions that integrated IoT and cloud technology to enable digital transformation experiences in the areas of agriculture, healthcare services, financial inclusion, and sustainable energy among others. Shortlisted from nearly 800 applications received nationwide, the ten selected teams received go-to-market support and access to opportunities led by Intel, DST and T-Hub, as well as their network of knowledge partners and industry. Team Banyan Nation was announced as the winning team of Challenge 2.0

The end goal of innovation is to improve citizens’ quality of life, change the way people live, and provide solutions to problems that are a potential hindrance in the social and economic progress of a nation. Get set to be inspired by the top ten teams from the Intel & DST – Innovate for Digital India Challenge 2.0.

Click here to read the eBook

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