BRICS Summit: Stronger Partnerships for a Brighter Future

Team MyGov
September 6, 2017

The 9th edition of the BRICS Summit was based on the theme of ‘Stronger Partnership for a Brighter Future’. Hosted in Xiamen, China, the summit is considered one of the most important platforms for participating countries – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, to discuss, share and work towards building a stronger global community.

The summit which took place between 3rd to 5th September focused on crucial issues and the way forward for participating countries. A joint statement was issued by the member nations which outlined the agenda for the coming year and also discussed common pressing issues. Combating terrorism, developing infrastructure, co-operative tourism were some of the key points of the declaration.

With regard to terrorism, the declaration stated ‘We call upon the international community to establish a genuinely broad international counter-terrorism coalition and support the UN’s central coordinating role in this regard. We stress that the fight against terrorism must be conducted in accordance with international law, including the Charter of the United Nations, international refugee and humanitarian law, human rights and fundamental freedoms.’

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi in the BRICS Family Photograph with other Leaders, at the 9th BRICS summit, in Xiamen, China on September 04, 2017.

During the Plenary Session of the summit, Prime Minister Narendra Modi stressed on the need to collaborate in sectors such as energy, sports, environment and agriculture. He also remarked that India is in a mission mode with special focus to ensure better health, food security, energy and education for the country. He also urged for close cooperation with International Solar Alliance and stressed that reliable, affordable access to energy is significant for developing nations. During the address, the PM iterated that a strong BRICS partnership on innovation and digital economy can give impetus to growth and can also promote transparency.

In the course of the summit, the Prime Minister met with the Chinese President Xi Jinping on the sidelines. This was the first bilateral meet between the two leaders after the over two-month long situation at Doklam.

Chinese President Xi Jinping told Prime Minister Narendra Modi that healthy, stable Sino-Indian ties are in line with the fundamental interests of their people. He showed his co-operation in pushing the relations on the right track and also mentioned the Panchsheel treaty and said that China is prepared to work with India in order to seek guidance from the five principles of the treaty.

The ‘Dialogue of Emerging Markets & Developing Countries’ held on 5th September saw world leaders come together to discuss Sustainable Development. In his address during the meet, the Prime Minister mentioned that the backbone of India’s development lies in the notion of “Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikaas” – that is: Collective Effort, Inclusive Growth. As an example the Prime Minister spoke about the three pronged approach of banking the unbanked, providing a biometric identity to all, and using innovative mobile governance solutions to ensure DBT transfers to almost 360 million citizens.

In his address, the Prime Minister stressed on the need for strong international partnerships along with domestic efforts. He also said that countries present, together represent almost half of the humanity. The actions of the countries will impact the world substantially and it’s the duty of the present countries to work towards a better world.

The Prime Minister also addressed the 9th BRICS Business Council Summit and spoke about India’s phenomenal progress. He mentioned that the country is making its way towards becoming one of the most open economies in the world with FDI inflows rising by 40 per cent. The Prime Minister also spoke about India’s position in the Global Competitiveness Index and the introduction of the historic Goods and Services Tax as India’s biggest economic reform measure. He further mentioned how programmes such as Digital India, Start Up India and Make in India are transforming the economic landscape of the country. The collective steps taken towards progress are helping the nation turn into a knowledge based, skill supported and technology driven society.

The Prime Minister assured participating members of India’s commitment to enhance cooperation for the welfare of the Global Community as well as of the citizens. He also expressed gratitude towards the Chinese President for his warm welcome and hospitality in the beautiful city of Xiamen.