First All India Institute of Ayurveda dedicated to the nation

Team MyGov
October 18, 2017

Ayurveda is a holistic approach to healthcare that helps people to lead a healthy and balanced life. The broad field of ayurvedic science is gaining importance across the nation because of its effective therapeutic values. Recognizing this, the Ministry of AYUSH started the National Ayurveda Day every year on Dhanwantari Jayanti. As the country celebrated its 2nd National Ayurveda Day, Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the first ever All India Institute of Ayurveda in Delhi.

In efforts to integrate traditional medicinal practices and the modern healthcare, the Prime Minister said, “We respect every health system and want the growth of all. The government wants that the poor get access to get India’s healthcare system. ‘’

The first ever All India Institute of Ayurveda has been set up along the lines of All India Institute of Medical Sciences and will be managed by the Ministry of AYUSH. The centre envisages bringing synergy between the traditional wisdom of Ayurveda and modern diagnostic tools and technology. It is set up on a total area of 10.015 acres on a budget of Rs 157 crore and holds the coveted NABH accreditation. The institute will focus on fundamental research on Ayurveda, drug development, standardization, quality control, safety evaluation and scientific validation of Ayurvedic medicines.

Ayurvedic health concept has been helping the entire system of human life with its comprehensive ancient treatments. The Prime Minister asserted that nations cannot progress unless they value and cherish their history and heritage. The same has been acknowledged by him where he quotes “this situation has changed to quite an extent and the faith of the people is being restored in the best of our heritage. The pride in our heritage is reflected in the way people gather for Ayurveda Day or Yoga Day.”

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