Young India, New India: The Power to Change lies with the youth

Team MyGov
September 12, 2017

On the occasion of the 125th anniversary of Swami Vivekananda’s Chicago address and Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya’s centenary celebrations, the Prime Minister addressed a student’s convention based on the theme of ‘Young India, New India’. The address was held in Vigyan Bhawan in New Delhi.

The Prime Minister began his address by remembering Swami Vivekananda and said that 125 years ago, a young man from India won over the world and showed an essence of unity. In reference to the significance of the day – 9/11, he said that the 9/11 of 1893 was based on the principles of love, harmony and brotherhood.

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi addressing a gathering of students on the theme of “Young India, New India”, in New Delhi on September 11, 2017.

Elucidating upon the life and principles of Swami Vivekananda, the PM said that Swami Vivekananda raised his voice against social evils that were affecting the society. He also recalled that Swami Vivekananda said that rituals alone can’t connect an individual to divinity but ‘Jan Seva’ is ‘Prabhu Seva’. The Indian PM also spoke on how Swami Vivekananda urged people to explore new things and help those in need as well as refrain from indulging in superstitions and narrow-minded ideas.

Amidst chants of Vande Mataram, the Indian Prime Minister appreciated the efforts of those who are working to keep India clean and said that they are the ones who have understood and applied the true spirit of Vande Mataram. While addressing the crucial need to keep the country clean, the Prime Minister asked if anyone has the right to chant ‘Vande Mataram’ if one litters the country. In his speech, he emphasized on the need to maintain cleanliness and told the students that it is toilets that we need to build now and prayer rooms can be built later.

He also said that Swami Vivekananda did not believe in sermonizing but taking action and his ideas have made way for an institutional framework through the efforts of Ramakrishna Mission.

The Prime Minister spoke about pressing issues and urged student organizations to maintain cleanliness while campaigning for university elections. Encouraging creativity and innovation, the Prime Minister said that there isn’t a more conducive environment for creativity than university campuses. Emphasizing on creativity, he said one should use it to strengthen the nation and fulfil the aspirations of all citizens. To encourage the youth present, the Prime Minister said that Swami Vivekananda always supported innovation and new discoveries. He wanted the youth to be job-givers and not only job seekers.

During the course of his speech, the Prime Minister brought focus on citizen participation and awareness and suggested that campuses should organize days to celebrate the culture, diversity and language of Indian states to celebrate and strengthen the spirit of “Ek Bharat, Shreshtha Bharat.”

During the course of his speech, the Prime Minister brought focus on citizen participation and awareness and suggested that campuses should organize days to celebrate the culture, diversity and language of Indian states to celebrate and strengthen the spirit of “Ek Bharat, Shreshtha Bharat.”

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