Essay Competition Result of Smart City- Agartala
The result of winners for the essay competition under the “Citizen Engagement Program” of Smart City scheme of Government of India has been declared by Agartala Municipal Corporation (AMC). The AMC has been used selected entries to develop a vision statement for the city and will also define city sub goals based on it.
The topic was “My Dream City Agartala” and the competition was categorized under two groups mentioned below-
- Group- 1 (Open to all) (Above age 18).
- Group- 2 (School Level).
The winners of Group- 1 (Open to all) are:-
- JantuLal Roy (Father – Lt. Suresh Ch. Roy, Addess – Rohan apartment, Kunjaban, Ph. – 8974106232)
- Somnath Dey (Father – Pradip Ch. Dey, Address – Haradhan Sangha Krishna Nagar, Ph. – 9436499041)
- Aparita Das (Father – Rasaraj Das, Address – Badharghat, Ph.-9774472913)
The winners of Group- 2 (School Level) are:-
- Shabina Akhtar (Kendriya Vidyalaya, Kunjaban, Class XII)
- Simran Roy (Bardwali Higher Secondary School, Class – X)
- Adrija Bhattacharyya (Kendriya Vidyalaya, Kunjaban, Class X)
- Dayita Chaudhuri (Kendriya Vidyalaya, Kunjaban, Class VIII)