IICDC2018 Qualifier Results and An Introduction To The Evaluation Panel

November 29, 2018

The India Innovation Challenge Design Contest (IICDC) has established itself as one of India’s premier platforms for students with revolutionary ideas who have engineered practical solutions to social issues. Its aim is to foster the development of a new breed of enterprising student innovators, thinkers and makers of the country who have a dream to create something new, aspire to make a difference, contribute to India’s success towards becoming an Innovation Hub.

Organized by Texas Instruments in collaboration with Department of Science and Technology (DST) and anchored by NSRCEL, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore (IIMB) and supported by MyGov, IICDC is an attempt at creating a more vibrant India through the power of innovation while developing a new generation of student entrepreneurs. It is a unique platform that not only focuses on engineering skills but also places equal weightage on practical business solutions.

The 2018 edition of IICDC saw 26,511 students from 1,760 colleges submitting 10,146 ideas. The winners of this edition will receive a seed funding of RS 20 lakhs at the end of the contest along with training from stalwarts of Engineering and Startup firms.

4027 teams moved on to the ‘Qualifying Phase’. These teams underwent a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) from IIM-B and technical courses from TI. Teams also had to submit a detailed business and technical proposal on the MyGov platform which were evaluated by 43 panelists.

The evaluators consisted of a mix of mentors from IIM-B, NSRCEL as well as top management from start-ups, which included Co-founders, Directors, CEOs and mentors. IICDC team is grateful to all the evaluators for their time, dedication and their valuable feedback.

Teams were evaluated based on their quality of proposal and knowledge assessment scores.

Some of the criteria of evaluation that were considered include:

*How well the team has understood and addressed customer pain points
* Whether there was a key differentiating factor for their product
* The impact of the product on the market
* The business feasibility of the product
* Whether the team has clearly defined roles for each member
* Technical Innovation Rating
* Validation of Technical Block Diagram and the components

The participants have come a long way since beginning their journey but there are still more rounds to come. It is time for all the participants to start thinking of how to apply their new learnings about business fundamentals and engineering techniques to make their product stand out and make a difference. Here’s wishing each one of them the very best of luck!

Click here to view our distinguished members of the evaluation panel .

Click here to view the shortlisted teams moving on to the next round of Quarter Finals.