In Focus: Volunteers of the Week

Blog By - Team MyGov,
November 18, 2014


In Focus: Volunteers of the Week

For the past few weeks, MyGov has been proactively engaging volunteers in different groups, thereby making the platform a citizen-driven initative in the true sense. Read what our star performing volunteers of the week have to say about their experience of volunteering:

Nishita ChandakNishita Chandak
“There are 2 motives behind working for MyGov. Firstly, India and secondly, my unconditional support to Mr. Narendra Modi. In my view this is a great initiative and my support will be rendered as and when needed. This can be my bit to work for my nation. Working for this project has been enlightening and informative. In addition, the entire MyGov team has been extremely supportive. Thanks. Cheers!!”

Vivek RaiVivek Rai:
“First of all, I appreciate efforts of MyGov and its team. It gave a nation-wide platform to suggest solutions for good governance.When I was reading suggestions by people on different groups, I was amazed to read some of ideas and suggestions from different parts of our country. Really, it is a learning experience for me. Hope such momentum will continue further…”

Priyanka MalhotraPriyanka Malhotra
My role with MyGov involved going through comments posted by citizens on various discussion boards. I felt I played a key role in getting the voice of my nation across to the government. Thank you for the great opportunity to work on such an initiative. Maybe the deadlines were tough at times but I gave something back to my country. Proud to be an Indian!

Tuhina ChatterjeeTuhina Chatterjee:
“Volunteering with ‘MyGov’ gives me a unique opportunity to understand public opinion and people’s participation in matters of governance beyond the data captured through opinion polls and surveys. Having an education background in political science and a keen interest in area of governance especially through technology driven communication, I am really glad to be a part of this channel for connecting citizens to policy makers. It has always been my desire to create change for better society and volunteering for this initiative is my small contribution towards fulfilling the greater vision of our current leadership for a ‘digitally empowered’ India.”

Mithun VijaykumarMithun Vijaykumar:
“Sociologists say that each and every citizen should do his/her part in the development of a nation. It’s true, but an effective communication between a common man and the higher authorities is essential for the real development to take place. By volunteering for MyGov I have learned that actionable information provided by the users are given sufficient importance and are forwarded to the concerned departments. The platform which is open to all Indian citizens is a greater step towards Nation building. Volunteering for MyGov is a pleasant experience.”

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    MURARI GOYAL - 9 years ago

    This is a platform where we are free to give suggestions and ideas for which our Government deserves kudos. Many new schemes have been launched by our Hon’ble PM for the people however still whenever one asks some one the answer is where are "Achhe Din" I would suggest that I&B Ministry needs to be revamped along with Doordarshan and Akashvani so that these programmes and schemes are widely circulated. We should have a specific development oriented programme on DD/ Akashvani. Regards

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    Manju Saraf - 9 years ago

    Its a pleasure to be the part of the society who give positive input to build a stronger, better, and healthier India.I hope we will be a super power soon as the initiative measures of our honorable PM has encouraged the youth to participate in the country development.Now they don’t want to runaway from the country.Keeping fingers crossed.

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    sanjay kokare_1 - 9 years ago

    Dear Sir. Every indian’s time is very imp everyday there r thousands in the railway ticket line still. I want permission to help people to buy them tickets from the card I have. If college students will take up this social cause. I know that every Indians time will b saved and he can live a stress free life also

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    Devanshu_5 - 9 years ago


    I am doing my level best in contribution towards my country.I was searching from long time to give my ideas and feedback so that i can highlight the areas and ideas to get initialised.I ma really very happy when i find this website where individual can update their ideas for country progress. I am Indira awardee too in 2010 when i passed my 12 th and still working very hard for government job for better progress.

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    Yogesh Saxena - 9 years ago

    The word ‘Judgement’ is a word that seems to be out of favour these days, but it ought to remain a corner stone of our democratic self-government. It is what enables us to hold ourselves, and our leaders, to high standards. It is how we distinguish between right and wrong, noble and base, honour and dishonour. We cannot ignore that responsibility, or foist it on others. It is the price, sometimes the most exacting price, of citizenship in a democracy.

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    K R Viswanathan Pillai - 9 years ago

    It is not the retired soldiers alone who suffers without pensions, scores of central PSEs retired employees retired prior to 2007, including from low paid technicians to General Managers do not get a single paise as pension.Many of them if they are not supported by their sons or daughters queue in temples and other places for food. Are we really in a welfare state? All these retirees gave their blood and sweat for bringing up the temples of modern India. They plight may be favourablly cosidered

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    RAHUL MEHTA_4 - 9 years ago

    Sir we need to refurnish all our Indian government sector hospitals for the growth of the country. Presently the patients are rushing towards private sector where the price range is very expensive and normal salaried person cannot afford. We should renovate all government hospitals throughout India to capture all class of patients. This will be a great step towards our nation betterment with the slogan of Healthy & wealthy India..! Jai Hind! I am resident of Dubai, Rahul Mehta +971508476539

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    Susithra suresh - 9 years ago

    I am very happy to work with it is great opportunity to every citizen to participate in India growth. In our country major problem is Garbage and unqualified roads.Now a days people have started swachh bahart campaign everywhere it looks people started to change themselves. feels very happy seeing like this change. and we dont have dustbins in every 100meter in our country . we can start to keep dustbins, people wont throw their garbage here and there

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    Ramesh Chandra Tripathi - 9 years ago

    Dear Citizens, Government has given us a good opportunity to interact on every issue for the growth of the Nation. This is a one platform which makes us closer, without any boundary of Religion, State, Cast etc. We all sons and daughters of Mother India can share our moments of happiness, Pain and joy. Its great experience to communicate with whole India in " One Click One India".

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    manjula saxena - 9 years ago

    sir establishing National Judicial Appointment Commission is a breakthrough in ensuring transparency in judicial system. but the bldg given at mathura road looks like the residence of a person. kindly provide a better premises to NJAC such as IndiraGandhi National Centre of Art at Janpath which looks so august from the outside itself.

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