Jan Manch a Success story

Blog By - Team MyGov,
July 16, 2019

Himachal government is doing commendable work to solve the problems of the common people. Earlier In order to get the solutions to their problems, people had to resort to government offices repeatedly and even then the problems were not reaching to the respective ministers which was resulting lot of dissatisfaction amongst the common people.
But now it is not so, himachal government is listening to the problems of the public at the doorstep and is making solutions with priority. On the first Sunday of every month, “Jan Manch program” is organized in all the districts of the state. Thousands of cases are being reported in the program, most of these complaints are settled on the spot, while the rest of the problems are worked out on war footing. The meaningful results of the Jan Manch program are coming out.

You can also take the benefit of jan manch program.

“Jan Manch” is a medium under which the general public can directly approach to government with their problems . On every first Sunday of every month, the Janmanch program is organized in every district. In these meetings assembly speaker,and the cabinet ministers take a note of the problems and take it towards closure . In addition, the officers of the district administration and various departments are also present in the programs. Obviously, when cabinet ministers and officials are present on the spot, the problem will be solved on the spot. government is listening to the problems of the public at the doorstep and is making solutions on priority.

34 thousand cases received.

Nearly 34,000 problems and complaints have been received in front of the state government through Jan Manch, most of which have been settled. The remaining complaints were sent by the State Government to the officials of the respective departments for necessary action and orders were issued for their prompt disposal. During this, 336 health camps were set up, 34875 different types of certificates were made and 418 toilets were sanctioned.

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