Lakhpati through tamarind – Roseline Purti

Blog By - Team MyGov,
January 2, 2020

Roseline Purti was in shock in 2013 after her husband passed away suddenly, as he was the sole earning member of the family. The entire family’s financial burden fallen on Roseline. She has four daughters and after the death of her husband, she was completely distressed thinking about her daughter’s future. Roseline involved herself in the MKSP activities under DAY-NRLM in the year 2014 and got exposed to business of tamarind. She knew that she had to work hard to support her family financially. She established her business in 2015 after undergoing 45 days of skill training provided by two trainers from Hyderabad.

She motivated her SHG members in Tamarind business by offering space on her campus. Tamarind procurement, grading, sorting, and then marketing was being done. Then she has again provided space in her land to host the Rural Service Centre (RSC) Namely Imli Prasanskaran Ikai, Gajgaon. She brought together 540 households from 17 PG’s (Producer Groups) from 17 Villages and involved them in Tamarind Value-Chain Business. Once in a week, a truck departs from the RSC and goes for collection from the 17 Villages. Once the Tamarind is collected, the best quality tamarinds are separated for processing, this includes; deseeding, brick-making, packaging and branding, which is sold at a higher price.

Some Tamarind pulps are separated to be sold for a marked-up price. Her involvement has proved beneficial to these households as their additional incremental income each is around Rs. 4,000 to Rs. 6,000 in one cycle (3 months). The RSC is now doing Tamarind business independently and their transaction is close to Rs. 70 lakh to Rs. 80 lakh per cycle.

For the RSC, she has mobilized one Amsi Churn (Dried Mango Powder) Machine and Rs. 12 lakh for processing house from JHAMKOFED. Tamarind de-seeding, brick making and packaging machine as well as fund support to start the Tamarind value chain business from DAY-NRLM through JSLPS.

Through liasioning with various line departments, she has created few assets for her, which includes land labeling for agricultural land, a cow shed, a poultry shed, a dug well, a mango plantation from MGNREGS. She also has availed one Indira Awas house from the Rural Development department and a toilet from Swatch Bharat Mission, one 100m x 150m size dam for irrigation from the Watershed Department, 25 Ducklings received from the Johar Project of JSLPS. The RSC members are happy with their 3 months Tamarind value chain business. They want to scale up this business. Every cycle is a learning event from them. They are quite satisfied with their performance. RSC has institutional visit charges Rs. 2,000 per visit. They have earned around Rs. 20,000 since last 3 years from different institutions and government and share it among themselves and purchase some items for the Unit.

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