Launch of Bhubaneswar citizen’s connect initiative

Blog By - Team MyGov,
October 19, 2015

Launch of Bhubaneswar citizen's connect initiative

The Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation (BMC) launched the Citizen’s Connect Initiative- ‘Bhubaneswar Smart City- the Big Connect’– at IDCOL Auditorium on the morning of September 26th, 2015. The intent of the Citizen’s Connect Initiative is to give residents of Bhubaneswar an opportunity to be a part of shaping the city’s future by co-creating solutions for the Smart City Proposal. To make it more robust and responsive, BMC also launched the smart city website as a platform for citizens to participate in articulating a shared vision for Bhubaneswar.

The event brought together more than 400 people representing a diverse set of stakeholders including elected leaders, public officials, NGOs, students, citizens, and media representatives. The multi-disciplinary distinguished speakers and panellists enabled a comprehensive exchange of ideas and focused group discussions. The agenda for the event included opening plenary sessions, technical session and panel discussion. The event’s opening plenary session featured keynote dialogues from the distinguished speakers representing the political and administrative agencies of the state sharing their vision for shaping Bhubaneswar into a smart city. The technical session focussed on the concepts of sustainable planning and smarter cities that will assist BMC in setting the priorities for the city’s future investment in implementing Smart City features. Finally, the event concluded with the question and answer round in which the questions raised by the citizens were answered by the panellists of the technical session.

Furthermore, to solicit feedback from the participants, an offline polling for Smart City Solutions and Bhubaneswar Smart District was arranged along with getting an opportunity to write an unique and innovative vision statements for Bhubaneswar’s smart future under the title: ‘My City-My Dream’.

“Public service delivery and redressal of citizen’s grievances as two important aspects to be considered for achieving the objectives as mandated under Smart City Mission.”

– Mr. Ananta Narayan Jena, Mayor of Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation


“Smart city mission is not a panacea for Bhubaneswar’s urban problems, however has the capacity to play a primary role in alleviating Bhubaneswar’s transformation as envisioned through flexible planning measures that involves its citizens.”

– Dr. Krishan Kumar, the Commissioner of Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation and
Vice-Chairman of Bhubaneswar Development Authority