Learn to Live by Boosting Vital Strength (Ojas)

Blog By - Team MyGov,
September 9, 2020

Diseases of immune system arise due to disturbance in Ojas as per Ayurveda and it is the essence of all Bodily tissues (Dhatus) starting from Lymphatic System (Rasa) to Reproductive System (Shukra) which is responsible for strength and immunity. Food is the basis of all life as well as of Strength, Complexion and Ojas. [1] The concept of Ojas (Vital strength) explains the direct correlation between digestion and immunity. Ojas is the final product of physiological transformation happening in our body as part of tissue nourishment. [2] It is considered as the essence of the food we consume, and a healthy level of it indicates proper tissue nourishment.

Rasa (lymphatic and blood capillaries along with whole blood) is also one of the closely resembling synonyms of Oja as it contains antibodies and cells which develop the immunity power of body. Oja appeared foremost in the human body during embryogenesis. [3] Further nutrition and enrichment in the quantity of Ojas takes place by nutrient materials (Ahararasa), which is derived from mother’s body and possesses qualities similar to Ojas and it also simultaneously nourishes the growing embryo. Thus, it is obvious that Ojas is produced and nourished from food substances, which are conductive to Ojas. Wholesome Diet and Rasayan Dravya (Plants for rejuvenation) should be administered to maintain Ojas in its optimal state.[4] Immunity is the only way for every human being to fight against causative factors of diseases. Ayurveda has described the concept of Ojas which can be equated to Immunity. Proper and wholesome diet is the main source for getting optimum status of Ojas to fight against diseases. Ayurveda has described the wholesome diet which can be digested by proper digestive power and results the best Immunity i.e. Ojas. Therefore, Ojas is most obligatory for learn to live with virus now a days in this Pandemic era.



  1. Shashtri Ambikadutta. (Editors) Vedotpatti, Sushruta Samhita, Varanasi: Chaukambha Sanskrita Sansthan; Reprint 2006:5.
  2. Charaka Samhita (Vaidya manorama Hindi commentary). Shukla V, Tripathi R, editors. 1 st ed. New Delhi: Choukhambha Sanskrit publication; 2010. Sutrasthana, 17/75.p.267.
  3. Astanga Hridayam. Murtthy KRS, editor. 9th ed. Varanasi: Choukhambha Krishnadas Academy; 2013. Sutrasthana, 11/39-40. p.164.
  4. Taneja SS, Shah O. Complications of Urologic Surgery E-Book: Prevention and Management. Elsevier Health Sciences; 2017 Sep 7.


Dr. Amin Hetalben
Research Officer (Ayu.)
Regional Ayurveda Research Institute for Skin Disorders
Ahmedabad, CCRAS, Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India