Lucknow and Aligarh: Two families, different experiences fighting Coronavirus

Blog By - Team MyGov,
July 24, 2020

Meet Kapil and family- One in Lucknow and the other in Aligarh; both families who fought more than a Virus. Kapil, a data scientist from Lucknow, was travelling back to attend the funeral of his grandma on 3rd May. Unexpectedly, Kapil’s uncle and dad got a fever. Everyone in the house started showing specific symptoms and health instability. To their dismay, Kapil’s uncle was admitted to the ICU while his dad got a high fever. The next day, Kapil’s family got a call about his uncle’s demise!

Two families hadn’t come out of mourning a death, and a turn of events shook both the families more deeply. Here, at Kapil’s house, the situation was getting more concerning. The fever was varying for Kapil and his mother, but his dad’s condition was critical. Meanwhile, they got the report of their deceased uncle to be Corona positive. This alarmed the family to immediately get tested. The entire family was COVID positive!

There was no time to grief two recent deaths in the family as the situation wasn’t yet in control. On 14th May, Kapil’s family got admitted to KGMC hospital, Lucknow. With medical treatment, his dad’s condition started getting better.

“Hospital tried to get appropriate diet meals for dad. They were doing their best. The only concern I had was the well-being of my parents. I was nervous due to my dad’s deteriorating condition, and my uncle had already passed away.” Surprisingly, people were helpful when they got back home. One of the neighbours provided them with food for 5 days.

But it was not the same for the other family at Aligarh.

“Stigma cannot be generalized in a way for certain people because discrimination is also seen in posh areas. It’s okay to be scared. Be very alert if you have older people in the house. At the state of emergency, they don’t have to give judgments. Stay away as much as possible. There is no need to start reacting unnecessarily. Try to understand you are healthy, and nothing will happen to you.”

“Hope for the best. The situation is uncontrollable, so stay calm, eat well, and sleep well. Try to have the best lifestyle possible. Infected people have to fight physically and mentally. Be mentally strong and you are going to be okay, ”

Kapil, though these difficult times stood as a backbone for both the families going through emotional turmoil. His conduct played an important role in creating a balance of practicality and emotional outburst at a time when a family is just mourning the death of a closed one. As of today, this young Corona Champion continues his fight to bring moral support and a backbone for both the families.

He is also a plasma donor, doing a bit to save lives and setting real-life examples towards humanity. Kapil and the family of Corona Champions highlight many key areas while we are fighting a pandemic-
A)It is important to stay stronger at the time of grief or any form of crisis a family is going through.
B)Expressing moral support strengthens the spirit of family members in crucial times.
C) Emotions should never overpower precautions and practicality.

Our brave #CoronaChampions continues to spread awareness and break the stigma through their real-life stories and experiences. Please join this movement by sharing this story and helping people who are seeking support and motivation during this pandemic.

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