Swachh Bharat (Clean India)

Blog By - Team MyGov,
August 8, 2014

It is heartening to see 33,000 plus people join the group ‘Clean India’ created on the My
Gov site MyGov.in. The pragmatic suggestions of the group members ensure that the vision of Hon’able Prime Minister to create a ‘Swachh Bharat’ by the time India marks the 150th birth anniversary of Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi will be a reality.


The fast growing group in terms of members has come up with numerous ways to make India Clean. The group while hosting discussion on the following topic should issues of urban and rural cleanliness be tackled differently and can a single approach provide solutions to all problems related to cleanliness, suggests below mentioned worth implementing points:

  1. City to be planned with dust bins placed at good intervals. Have enough paid toilets and washrooms.
  2. Fine people who are caught littering and send repeat offenders to work at a social centre to give their free services.
  3. Reward those who keep their surroundings clean including industrial houses.
  4. Most waste found in rural area is biodegradable. This should be used to make compost. Urban areas should segregate dry and wet waste.
  5. Use celebrities and TV ads to educate people about cleanliness and encourage them to keep their surroundings clean.

To avoid manual scavenging the suggestions received were to pass a law. Also municipal corporations who practise it should be made aware of alternatives and fined heavily if found breaking the rule. The other suggestion was to go for competition for a green toilet. Many members suggested that many a times municipal corporations have machines to clean but they lie in neglect and manual scavenging continues. This as per the members should be stopped as soon as possible. Members also suggested construction of bio-toilets in rails and creating community toilets in villages. However, most suggested that the evil practice of manual scavenging can be only stopped by educating and inspiring people.

The suggestions received for how to commemorate Mahatma Gandhi’s 150th birth anniversary with special focus on cleanliness received numerous comments like:

  1. Create city / district level waste recycling plants with incentives for providers and users.
  2. Use of incineration: A great way to convert waste to energy, reduces the junk volume of the waste and makes the environment clean.
  3. Ban organic waste going to landfills.
  4. Make commercial units including hospitals and hotels to create an exclusive system by themselves to hand over their waste directly to solid waste management units.
  5. Install more dust bin for non-bio degradable waste only. Make compulsory to hand over bio degradable waste to the collection agents only and ban public littering.
  6. Bring the latest technology in solid waste management. Involve school children and NGOs for awareness campaign.

The interesting tasks assigned to the members has received wonderful response from the members. The tasks assigned are:

  1. Identity 10 global best practices used by countries which have made a big difference in the lives of their citizens.
  2. Visit a mid-day meal kitchen and assess the cleanliness standards. Present a report on the scope of improvement on cleanliness there.
  3. Organise a cleanliness drive in your colony or locality.
  4. Share photographs of a particular area or locality, stressing on how they were before and how they are at present in terms of cleanliness.
  5. Identify 50 cities and 150 towns that can be used for pilot testing of solid waste management and waste water treatment initiatives and suggest ideas on how these initiatives cab be actuated on the ground.
  6. Suggest a PPP model that can be adopted to make our cities garbage free.
  7. Suggest a policy roadmap to construct and maintain proper toilet facilities in cities and villages for the poor.

The most happening section of the group is where the members put their comments after visiting schools and presented their reports on the hygiene standards maintained there for mid-day meals. Have a look at what two members experienced when they visited government schools:

  1. Visited one of the Government school in Baraut, Handia, Allahabad. When I entered in Kitchen of that school, I was totally shocked. Its condition was very poor. Even the women who works there, don’t wash the utensils properly. I don’t know how those student eat it? Its condition seems to be like a kitchen for dogs or some unhygienic animals. And the in charge of the Kitchen was Pradhan of that village. Now I can only pray for those small kids. May God bless them.
  2. I visited a mid-day meal kitchen in Virugambakkam Chennai. Very good standard are being maintained. Cleanliness is highly appreciable. Items are provided at low costs. Steam cooking is done here. Food items are good here. Purified drinking water is provided. I suggest this scheme can be made all over India.

You can join this Group, if you are signed in!!

  • usericon
    Debkumar Bhadra - 9 years ago

    A public toilet block was constructed in our locality utilising funds of Govt of India, but ever since inauguration (about two years back), the toilet block has been under lock and key. Raised the issue with concerned, but to no anvil. Publicised the issue in local newspaper and sent email to the UT level nodal officer, leave alone acting, none bothered to reply to the email. The web link is :

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    Suresh Kumar - 9 years ago

    Prime Minister Sir, your vision and policies are giving a clear direction to this country. Swach Bharat abhiyan is a great hit through out the country and people are taking it seriously. But sir sorry to say that it didn’t create much impact in this Bokaro Steel City.Broken roads, old dilapidated quarters, cattle roaming on the roads, thickets & bushes on sector road sides, garbage dump along the sector roads and dogs and cattles scrambling on them. God knows when will the authorities wake up.

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    KAMLESH KUMAR JAIN - 9 years ago

    I have suggested earlier to make medical cities near to air ports to attract medical tourist. The common Indians need is to have good and affordable medical facilities and education. These are main touching points and if improve it will definitely be good achievement of govt.

    2016 can be declared as “Swastha Bharat, Swachha Bharat” and under this project a programme called “Kayakalp” can be initiated wherein all govt. hospitals can made good health centres where all facilities are reqd.

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    Venkataraghavan Narayanan - 9 years ago

    Honourable PM,
    Amazed with your vision and policies. I see a lot of campaign and advertisement on Swachh Bharat on Doordharshan and national radios. The messages are really impressive and creating impact. Since most of the people watch private channels, these ads and documentaries need to be telecast in those channels during prime time atleast once a day. This would accelerate the Swachh Bharat campaign.Jai Hind!

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    Gvs Anand_1 - 9 years ago

    Dear Modiji
    People of the country are taking your advice seriously.through Mann ki baat please advice the people to follow lane driving system and government buses and few other vehicles release lot of black smoke which is causing heavy pollution.while driving everyone wants to take over the other person and keeps blowing the horn without any emergency.the person blowing the horn will be found at a tea shop or at a pan shop smoking cigarette or having tea.please advice to people

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    Safar Singh - 9 years ago

    I have an innovative idea to which I want your kind attention.I live in Mumbai Suburban and I find garbage on the streets of Mumbai everywhere everyday.To control the amount of garbage on the streets, my suggestion to you is to install CCTV Cameras on street lights one after another which will be controlled through Control Centers located inside Security Checkpoints of Private Offices nearby.Government should also offer vacancies in this Control Centers to Retired Government Employees.

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    Devinder Kaur - 9 years ago

    Hi Team,

    Please note for swachh Bharat success. We need to adopt a 360 degree approach. And one such angle I feel we not looking at is having stray dogs on roads which are also cause of garbage not being in its place instead all over the road .

    I would request you to look into this matter as these dogs are also carry diseases and also dangerous .


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    susan kamil - 9 years ago

    Women are provided with sanitation bins and toilets, Baby changing rooms in public areas with waste bin management, WE CAN RUN AROUND WITH A BROOM IN OUR HAND TRYING TO KEEP OUR AREA CLEAN, but there is no where to dispose of the WASTE. The lack of investment, logistics and infrastructure is the PROBLEM. Susan Kamil

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    susan kamil - 9 years ago

    Place huge bill boards with guidance to the citizens of India on start using the waste management system AND LARGE PENALTIES FOR THOSE WHO DONT. Until million of trucks with toilets, plumbers and masonaries are driving into each village and panchayats.Until rain harvesting is made compulsary in every house, building, school, hotel etc, All old/ancient water harvest tanks are cleaned and activated. Until dug wells are instructed to have recharge system installed,

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    susan kamil - 9 years ago

    Until the government does not URGENTLY invest unlimited Crores into waste management, place recycle bins, compost, glass, paper and plastic EVERYWHERE e,g temples, schools, stations,parks road, markets,villages, tourist sites, etc,, and employ hundred thousands of employees into dealing with waste management, offering them jobs with a uniformed, good salary, pension, health safety and security. Implementing recycling plants that convert waste into energy. Place huge bill boards with guidance

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