The Jharkhand government has launched the Mukhyamantri Maiya Samman Yojana to provide financial support to women aged 18 to 50 […]
JharNet is the State Wide Area Network (SWAN) of Jharkhand, designed to provide secure, high-speed, and scalable connectivity for government […]
Introduction Jharkhand Agency for Promotion of Information Technology (JAP-IT) has established as an autonomous body under the Department of Information […]
The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI), in collaboration with MyGov, had organised the Suggest a Tagline for the […]
The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI), in collaboration with MyGov, had organised the Design a Logo for the […]
The Government of India declared 15th November as Janjatiya Gaurav Diwas in 2021, to honour the birth anniversary of Bhagwan […]
Arunachal Pradesh is making remarkable strides in the world of cinema, and the 10th edition of the Arunachal Film Festival […]
The ODOP at Red Fort: Selfie Challenge, hosted on the MyGov platform from November 20, 2024, to January 20, 2025, […]
Participative governance is a paradigm where the citizens and government come together to collectively deliberate all aspects of national development. In this section, senior officials of the Government of India and acknowledged experts in different domains, will periodically deliberate and discuss their vision, ideas, mission and goals with an aim to enrich the national discourse.