Warm water: a natural immune booster

Blog By - Team MyGov,
September 3, 2020

The Covid-19 outbreak has created a global health crisis and claimed over 8.5 lakh lives around the World. As of now, there is no specific vaccine or treatment available for it, although many clinical trials are going on. For now, the only way to keep the virus at bay is to take preventive and precautionary measures to slow down transmission.

As per World Health Organisation’s guidelines, various measures, like washing hands, using hand sanitizer, wearing face mask while going out, covering face while coughing and sneezing should be followed. The AYUSH Ministry has shared few measures that can help boost immunity. The natural immune system of our body plays a great role in maintaining our health. Few immunity-boosting measures including drinking warm water, turmeric milk, herbal tea and practicing yoga. The benefits of drinking warm water are clearly mentioned in Ayurveda. Water is considered as life (Jeevanashrayam) for everyone. Warm water has Deepan(appetizer), Pachan(digestive), Laghu(easily digested) and Vata-kaphahar properties. Warm water stimulates appetite, helps indigestion, flatulence, cleans the urinary bladder, good for some diseases like throat infection, cough, fever, hiccups, running nose, accumulation of undigested materials etc.

People who consume very little water and substitute it with tea, coffee, or other drinks cannot fulfill the fluid requirements for the proper functioning of bodily organs. Hence, drinking warm water should be made as a habit not only to prevent you from Coronavirus but also one should try to drink it on regular basis. However, various rules should be followed while drinking warm water like it should not be consumed too hot, excess of water, before and immediately after taking meal, it should be consumed slowly. So this quarantine period makes yourself healthy and increase your immunity by drinking warm water. Stay healthy stay safe. of the body.


Dr. P.L. Bharati
Research Officer-Ay.(S-3)
Regional Ayurveda Research Institute for GID,
CCRAS, Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India
Guwahati (Assam)



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