Winner Announcement- #Childline1098: Spot the logo and Suggest a Tagline Contest

August 21, 2018

The Ministry of Women and Child Development launched an online contest – #Childline1098, on MyGov Platform inviting people to share images of the Childline 1098 logo that they spot at unique locations and send it with a tagline, to mark World Day against Trafficking in Persons on July 30. CHILDLINE is India’s first 24-hour, free, emergency phone service for children in need of aid and assistance. The Ministry wishes to spread awareness about this great initiative towards curbing trafficking and assisting every child in need.

Contest entries were invited from July 20-30, 2018, on MyGov platform and Ministry’s mailing address. The jury selected the following entry received on the Ministry’s mail as the winning entry.

Madhu Kiran, Jharkhand

Entry tagline:
बच्चों, मुसीबत की हो बात
कॉल लगाएँ दस नौ आठ.

Logo image:

Congratulations to the winner!!!
The Ministry of Women & Child Development will get in touch with you soon!

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