Winner Announcement of ASEAN-India Logo design and Tagline contest

Blog By - Team MyGov,
May 6, 2022

ASEAN and India are celebrating the year 2022 as ASEAN-India Friendship Year to commemorate 30 years of the ASEAN-India dialogue partnership. A list of activities has been agreed between ASEAN and India to commemorate the occasion. In line with this, ASEAN-India Logo Design and Tagline Contest was organized during 14 Feb-14 March, 2022 with the aim of sourcing a logo for the commemorative year through public participation.

The competition was hosted on and was open for all citizens of ASEAN Member States (AMS) and India. 1254 registrations were received on portal.

The submissions were assessed by a selection committee comprising the Committee of Permanent Representatives to ASEAN, Ambassador of India to ASEAN and the ASEAN Secretariat based on the originality, relevance, adaptability, and aesthetics. The winning entries were chosen based on the strong reflection of the friendship and collective aspirations of ASEAN and India, as well as progress achieved by both sides over three decades.

The selection committee decided to declare Mr. Bew Thanakron Khumkhrua as the winner and consolation prizes will be awarded to Mr. Arpit Shankar and Mr. Vatsal Shah. Their logos were officially unveiled in an event held on 26 April 2022.

Winner- Mr. Bew Thanakron Khumkhrua

Winning Logo 

Explanation provided by the winner: