Winner Announcement of Constitution Quiz

Blog By - Team MyGov,
March 3, 2020

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary year of the adoption of the Indian Constitution by the Constituent Assembly, Department of Justice, Ministry of Law & Justice, Government of India in collaboration with conducted a “Constitution Quiz” from 26 Nov 2019 to 25 Dec 2019 with an aim to create awareness amongst the Indian citizens about the Constitution and its special features, particularly Fundamental Duties, as enshrined in the Constitution and make all the citizens aware of their duties and follow them.

The quiz received an overwhelming response, with 103329 citizens participated across the country. 18 participants scored full marks in the quiz. The maximum participation was observed from the Delhi followed by Uttar Pradesh.

Department of Justice, Ministry of Law & Justice and MyGov congratulate and thank all the participants for their exuberance and hope that they will continue to participate in MyGov’s future activities.

National Level Winners of Constitution Quiz:

S.No. Name State User Id Prize
1 Ritika Sharma Uttar Pradesh 11134284 Rs. 5,000
2 Sundara Rajaeswara V Tamil Nadu 5667264 Rs. 3,500
3 Sreekumar K Tamil Nadu 5677924 Rs. 2,000

State Level Winners of Constitution Quiz (INR 1,000/- Each)

Similarly, one winner in each State/ UT separately has been identified based on shortest time taken.

Click here to find out the 38 State level winners from 37 States.

Hearty Congratulations to the winners !!!

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