Winner Announcement of Logo Design Contest of STPINEXT INITIATIVES

Blog By - Team MyGov,
June 14, 2019

A huge round of applause to all the talented participants who had participated in the Logo design contest conducted by AIC STPINEXT INITIATIVES in a collaboration with MyGov. Their participation made the competition a roaring success!
Total 1271 entries were received for the logo design contest of AIC STPINEXT INITIATIVES.

During the evaluation, the Screening Committee was impressed with the entries and found many Logos very engrossing. They were awed by the creativity of the minds that was reflected in these Logos. They admitted it was a tough decision to narrow down through the submissions and decide upon the winner.
On the basis of the recommendations of Screening Committee, based upon multistage evaluation criteria result of the Logo design contest has been announced and the participant whose entry has been judged to be the best is as follows


S.No  Name of the candidate   Comment Id  Prize
1.      P.G Saikumar     105738011


Rs 50,000/- with TDS deduction