Winner Announcement of ‘My Republic Day Memory – Photography Contest’

Blog By - Team MyGov,
January 30, 2023

Republic Day is one of the most celebrated and observed occasions in India. On 26th January 1950, the Constitution of India came into force and laid the foundation towards Indian Independence. This day is celebrated with great zeal and compassion. 


On the occasion of India’s 74th Republic Day Celebrations Ministry of Defence, in collaboration with MyGov, conducted the “My Republic Day Memory – Photography Contest” from 20th December 2022 to 20th January 2023 to seek creative and patriotic photographs from citizens to make India’s 74th Republic Day memorable. 


The activity received an overwhelming response, with 1270 citizens participated nationwide.


The selection committee, after careful consideration, has selected the winners of the “My Republic Day Memory – Photography Contest.”


Below is the list of winners:-

Comment Id Name Position Prize
129262701 Aditya Kanojia 1st Rs.10,000/-
129627161 Prakhar Sharma 2nd Rs. 7000/-
129580101 Sumit 3rd Rs. 5000/-


Ministry of Defence with MyGov congratulates and thanks all the participants for their contribution and encourages citizens to continue participating in such future activities and do their bit for nation-building. 



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