Winner Announcement of Slogan Competition for Space Cooling Through Optimum Temperature Settings of Air Conditioners

Blog By - Team MyGov,
May 30, 2019

Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), under the aegis of Ministry of Power in collaboration with MyGov conducted a slogan competition on “Space Cooling Through Optimum Temperature Settings of Air Conditioners”.

The energy and enthusiasm of the contestants were at its best, as they presented their creative and innovative slogans which depicted social relevance in a very cohesive manner.

The event witnessed an active participation from round the country and after a tough and rigorous round of screening, 10 entries were finalized.

We congratulate all winners.

Following is the list of winners:


S. No. Name ID/Mobile No. Slogan Rank & Prize
1 Nil
2 Ashish Behal 104410251 नियंत्रित करो ए.सी. का तापमान, बचाकर ऊर्जा लो प्रकृति का वरदान। 2nd
3 Kuldip Kumar 104406451 एयर कंडीशनर चौबीस पर रखिए, बचत का नया इतिहास रचिए। 2nd
4 Sanjay Shukla 104380971 24 पे रख के एसी का तापमान, आओं बनाएं एक बेहतर जहान। 2nd
5 Raj Aaryan 104392151 24°C -26°C एयर कंडिशनर का हो तापमान, तब पैसे और पर्यावरण का हो सही सम्मान 2nd
6 Pawan Sahu 104352981 “तापमान 24-26 बीच, ऊर्जा संरक्षण की एक सीख !” 2nd
7 Ashutosh Singh 104421531 ऊर्जा बचत का महाअभियान, हर घर हो उचित तापमान। 3rd
8 Kanika Raj 104421351 करो ऊर्जा का सम्‍मान , चौबीस से छब्‍बीस ही हो तापमान 3rd
9 Anish Singh 104414601 A.C के टेम्‍परेचर को 240C एवं 260C पर लाएंगे, बिजली हम बचाएंगे। 3rd
10 Pritesh Kumar Singh 104333781 रखें AC को 24 से 26 के बीच,कम हो बजली बिल, पर्यावरण भी रहे ठीक।। 3rd
11 Tishant Saxena 104414791 “TWENTY FOUR TO TWENTY SIX, SAVE MONEY BY MANY BITS” 3rd