Winner Announcement of Tagline and Logo Competition for the Pradhan Mantri Formalisation of Micro food processing Enterprises (PMFME) Scheme

February 17, 2021

Ministry of Food Processing Industries, GOI, organized the Tagline Writing and Logo Design competitions online through the MyGov portal from 11th November 2020 to 26th November 2020 for the Pradhan Mantri Formalisation of Micro food processing Enterprises (PMFME) Scheme.

The contests received an overwhelming response from participants. The Tagline contest received a total of 1,677 entries and the Logo contest received 871 entries. The top winner of both contests won the cash prize.

After stringent rounds of evaluation, owing to the highly competitive and qualitative responses, the following names are declared as the winner:

Winner of the Tagline Writing Competition for the PMFME Scheme:

सूक्ष्म उद्यमों का संबल

Name: Mr. Arvind Jaiswal
Comment ID: 116132371
Rank: 1st
Prize: INR 50,000/-

Winner of the Logo Design Competition for the PMFME Scheme: 

Name: Onkar Amar Mestry
Comment ID: 116141721
Rank: 1st
Prize: INR 50,000/-

Ministry of Food Processing Industries with MyGov congratulates and thank all the participants for their contribution and encourages them to continue taking part in such future activities.

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