Winner Announcement of the Weather & Climate Poem Competition

April 25, 2022

To commemorate 75 Years of India’s Independence and as a part of the ongoing ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’, the India Meteorological Department conducted an Open Poem Competition (23rd October, 2021 – 23rd November, 2021) through MyGov Portal with an aim to raise awareness about various aspects of Weather & Climate Sciences and to explore the creative instinct of the masses. It was decided to award a cash prize of Rs. 3000/- for the First position, Rs. 2000/- for the second position, Rs. 1000/- for the third position.

In order to evaluate the poems received and to prepare a Rank List, following Committee was constituted by the competent authority:

Sh. K.S. Hosalikar, Sc. ‘G’  Chairman
Dr. Ashok Kumar Das. Sc. ‘E’  Member
Sh. M.I. Ansari, Sc. ‘E’  Member
Smt. Sarita Joshi, Assistant Dir (OL)  Member
Sh. Gagan Deep, Admin Officer-II  Member Secretary
Sh. Ashok Kumar, Met-A  Member
Smt. Anjna Minhas, Admin Officer-III  Member

In total 1119 entries were received through the portal.   After first level scrutiny 510 entries were found eligible. As per the discussion held with the Chairman of the committee on 19.12.2021, it has been decided to form three groups A, B and C consisting 2 members each of the constituted committee and framed the basic criterion for evaluation.  The total poems received would be divided into three parts and to send to these groups. They would access these poems and give ranking to each poem on the scale of 1 to 10.  All the eligible entries (510 Nos.) were carefully subsequently evaluated and finally 54 entries were shortlisted.

During the final discussion on 4th January 2022, the winners of the competition were selected from the 54 shortlisted entries. The committee selected winners for the first and second prizes and joint winners for third prize and decided to distribute the prize money to the winners (i.e., Rs. 3000/- to first prize winner, Rs. 2000/- to second prize winner and Rs. 500/- each to both the third prize winners).

The result of the Poem Competition is as follows:

Rank Name of the Participant Comment ID 
First Ramakant Guha 124853101
Second Shreya Sahu 124961961
Third Piyush Ojha 124953401
Third Yuvraj Pratap Singh 124901901