SoCH Awards: A Hackthon- Ideathon for Healthy & Swachh Bharat

Blog By - Team MyGov,
February 8, 2018

BIRAC launched an Innovation Challenge Award, SoCH i.e., Solutions for Community Health. Innovative ideas from individual entrepreneurs, academia and companies were sought under two themes aimed at developing viable solutions to address certain challenges in the Community Health Sector. The following two themes were identified for the SoCH award through an open discussion on My Gov Portal:

  1. Platform technologies for reducing disease burden (Communicable & Non-Communicable Diseases)
  2. Sanitation and Waste recycling

Appreciable response was received on pan-India basis under both the themes until the call closure on 31 Oct 2017. After rounds of evaluation, expert review panel shortlisted 49 proposals. The shortlisted applicants are now being called for Hackathon and Ideathon for the respective themes on dates given below.

Ideathon date & venue

Hackathon date & venue

The results will be announced on BIRAC’s 6th Foundation Day – 20 March 2018.